You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Made it all the way to the office before realising I’d left my laptop at home :man_facepalming:

This post from 5 days ago remains as true today as it did then!!! Their “Technical consultant” who is managing my case, is, it appears, a clown.

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I used to work for a director who learnt her trade at Capita.

She had some of the most antiquated, out-of-date working practices I’ve ever seen. She went as far as trying to work me out the door by giving me so much work that I’d be going from 6am to 2am the next day. When I started to refuse, I was written up for attitude. When that failed to get me out the door, she finally went the redundancy route realising I wasn’t going to quit myself.

Despite the fact that they pay well and they have loads of vacancies for my profession, that one experience has put me off ever working for them or contracting to them.

I keep getting offered roles with them. I keep turning them down.

I’ve done Corporate and walked away. And I do not plan on going back.


Agreed. Being in the third sector now, I’ve a significantly better work-life balance and actually want to do a better job, for only a slight drop in salary. It’s well worth the move.

Before coming to my current role I applied for the local county council, but they were expecting a hell of a lot for the salary they were offering. I’d easy be making another £15k over what they were offering if I was in the private sector and had the experience they expected.

Knowing it will take Wing / Region ~ 6 months to complete the boarding process

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The RBL deciding that BACS payments is too difficult to handle now and are now requests wreaths are paid by cash, or cheque

welcome to the 19th century!

I am not sure who this benefits. It is more work for the CFAV to remember to have the cash with them to pay for it, or to get a cheque signed by the CWC on the assumption we’ve still got a cheque book

and for the RBL they now have bags of cash and envelopes of cheques to collect in, and carry around with them and write a receipt for the money received rather than adopt the well proven, readily accepted everyday bank transfer payment method…hands free and traceable

Well that’s going to upset the wing committees….

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Maybe they are worried about being debanked as extremists?

Sounds like someone wanting to make it easier to siphon off money


I’m an England rugby fan, even been as far as carrying the flag at Twickenham on more than one occasion, but that tackle was a red card all day long and this decision makes a mockery of the bunker review system - which is otherwise a great idea. Owen Farrell’s red card has been overturned: Rugby World Cup 2023: Owen Farrell cleared to play after Wales red card overturned - BBC Sport

An absolute joke. How far does he have to go before he seriously injured someone :man_shrugging:t2:

Bet he loses a fair number of ‘friends’ through this. Red card all day long.

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GMG. Accidentally bought some vegan sushi. Its as disappointing as it sounds.

I’m going to need to get a McDonalds now to satisfy my craving for actual food.


“McDonalds” and “actual food” in the same sentence?

That sushi must be dire!


Taine Basham failed a HIA after that (not) tackle.

Sushi is the worst

My regular barber, who had been cutting my hair all the times I lived here over the past 30-odd years, passed away recently. So I’ve been trying somewhere new.

The past 3 times have been alright at the new place. Today changed that. Sat in the seat and the woman started to rant about immigrants and how they’re all going to rape all the women in my family. To avoid getting into an argument, I just said that I don’t pay too much attention to politics, which she really did not like.

So now I’m searching for another new barber/hairdresser again. Maybe I just need to bite the bullet and get my own clippers for a #3 all over instead?

I had a similar rant (though not at that level) from the scrub nurse today who was prepping me for the snip. I decided that was not the time to challenge them on it. Though I have been given a link to a survey monkey questionnaire where I can mention it.

And I think it’s important that you do. If people do want to have such abhorrant views, they absolutely should not feel empowered to mention them so openly and unashamedly.

Completely understand not saying it beforehand though!


Unfortunately Barbers are like Black Cab drivers in their opinions from my experience.

100% for me political views like Religion should be mostly private no matter what they are. Especially in a work environment.