You know what really makes me happy?

But I bet staff will still use Ultilearn as the excuse for not getting their mandatory training done :man_shrugging:t2:


Doubt it, given it’s being switched off at the end of the month.

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I wouldn’t get too excited about that if I were you you. It’s not slated to be anything good (as in it’s not really a remaster) and apparently just Switch and PS4…

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Having to write 2 Pen Pics to support commission applications

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What/Why :man_shrugging:t2: Got ti be a Wing/Region thing!!

My bold

You can still use word etc, just print, sign & scan it.

I’m not printing or signing anything, the whole paperwork package is sent via email, it is the 21st century !

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In the real world it’s the 21st century, but we are talking about RAFAC…

Pontius has applied for ACPS.

Nah, he’s aged out… :wink:

£1500 grant to buy (at least) 3 laptops.

What do I get?


I looked into this with a £500 grant and decided to go for refurbished laptops. I’d suggest:

  • Windows 10 or 11, not a Chromebook
  • Intel i3 or i5 processor or AMD
  • At least 4GB RAM
  • At least 128GB storage on an SSD (solid state) not a hard drive
  • 13" or 14" screen

Laptops Direct are reliable but there are lots of other good sites


I’d say 8 these days.

You can get 4-6 refurb surface pro 5 for around 1500.

Compact as heck, touch screen, fully featured.


Check for Win11 compatibility, there is plenty of used (and even some new) stuff out there that can’t be upgraded.

Have a look at the education deals from DellHP, Lenovo etc.

Minimum processor would be an i5 (i3 isn’t going to save much) but the Ryzen 5 line is worth looking at as IMO the graphics are better than Intel Iris and you can get away with low end sims etc on them (go for the ones marked as having an APU or Radeon graphics.

If you do go down the APU/low end immersive / graphics / gaming route try to get 16GB ram or at least PCs that can be upgraded, if it is just for online stuff 8GB is still ok.

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I’d say this is on the money and allows headroom for extra RAM in budget:

Only thing might be the 256GB storage might be a bit tight.

Not sure if the Lenovo direct education price is lower.

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It’s a silly little thing but, with more than a year of Duolingo and no-one to practice with, I managed to say a sentence in Flemmish AND THEY ACTUALLY UNDERSTOOD ME and responded with what I expected to hear!

I might have only managed “thank you and goodnight” but it’s better than I managed when I was here last year and it’s made me slightly giddy.


MMH. The Paddlesport community.

Driving the long drive home after an afternoon on the water. Boats safely loaded on the roof. See a similarly laden car coming down the other carriageway.

Simultaneously wave at each other.

Every. Single. Time.

What a community.

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