You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

And I think it’s important that you do. If people do want to have such abhorrant views, they absolutely should not feel empowered to mention them so openly and unashamedly.

Completely understand not saying it beforehand though!


Unfortunately Barbers are like Black Cab drivers in their opinions from my experience.

100% for me political views like Religion should be mostly private no matter what they are. Especially in a work environment.


My old barber was good. We often had opposing political views but could discuss them civily. We both also came to our different views from the same direction; helping the city as much as we could do. He raised several millions of pounds in fundraising for various local charities and causes, and was the person who originally got me into charity work through an event when I was 8 years old. Almost 3 decades later and I still work for a charity.

This woman today though, who has cut my hair previously without issue, was just vile. Didn’t want to talk about anything unless the conversation revolved around migrants and the planned local holding site.

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That’s the thing with these local projects, they bring out the worst in people NIMBY

I’m always tempted to play ‘follow the family tree’ with people expressing those views. Usually won’t have to go back more than 2 generations to find at least one ‘foreigner’.

Granted perhaps not a good idea if they are wielding scissors or scapel.


Best not upset anyone who is about to perform any surgery around your danglies.
Hope all went well.


You didn’t need to go back any generations considering his accent. But I didn’t want to point that out then. :joy:

People who’ve migrated here legally, going through a lengthy and costly process to do so, are often (justifiably) the most resentful about people who pay organised criminals to put them on a boat.

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Does depend who’s on the boat. If we’re talking Afghans who were left behind following our withdrawal then frankly no-one should be complaining.


Can’t argue with that. They shouldn’t even be in a position where they have to pay gangsters either.

Feel quite fortunate that the local barbers don’t say a word.

Or at least, don’t say a word to me. God knows what they say after I leave…

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I worked on the civil strand of Op Pitting, as the British Embassy destroyed documents before leaving, or is in the hands of the Taliban and I suspect the MoD document keeping is poor, who do you know who worked for the UK ten years ago?

Precisely, so in the principle of “no man left behind” we should establish their credentials to the best of our abilities. If on the balance of probabilities it looks like they might have done some work for us, then over they come.

The other option is allowing our allies and friends to be murdered by our enemies through a decision that we have made.

The withdrawal was precipitated by the USA in very short order, and the Afghan army collapsed over hours and days rather than weeks as widely predicted, so we had no choice but to leave as we did as unfortunate as that was.

Ask the question of allowing those ‘who look like they may have worked for us’ how many were Taliban supporters, how many actually assisted the UK and their allies?

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As much as we owe those who genuinely assisted us a debt of gratitude, the first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.

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Which can partly be achieved by ensuring those who did their duty for us receive the safety and support they need, rather than seeing us turn away from them and turning to radicalism instead.


Agreed, but not by letting in potential Taliban, Daesh, etc, without any vetting.


you’d think so if this were a local arrangement (ie Branch level) but I am told it is coming from HQ…! (effectively removing their control from funds and in turn permitting the potential to siphon off to take place)

Is it a try-out to before they try to siphon funds from the collective civ com accounts for ‘things’ of questionable benefit to the cadets??

GMG: uncontrolled dogs.

I live in the sticks, with my driveway being part of a well-used bridlepath. We get A LOT of dog walkers.

Over the past couple of days, we’ve had a significant increase in the number of people who just allow their dogs to run free, and this inevitably ends up with the dogs all over my gardens. There are plants in my garden that can kill dogs.

When did we get to the point where walking your uncontrolled dog through someone’s garden was acceptable? Do I need to buy a few sheep just so I have an excuse to shoot the next dog that comes in?