What are you watching?

I started watching it this evening. Now on episode four. Should probably head to bed soon, but it’s quite possible I’ll finish the whole series first


Silo or Fall out?


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After watching it thought I would buy 4 to playthrough as it’s been a few years. Amazon doubled the price as soon as the show dropped! Yes clever marketing but I’m not paying £20 for a game that’s almost 10 years old!

Apple TV+

Constellation tv series

A space one albeit present day. A psychological thriller one involving the ISS & clever use of zero G. Also more focus on EAS rather than NASA so no Americans.

Watched episode 1. Very good & very intriguing & well worth the watch.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What are you playing?

Squid Games: The Challenge. Missed this when it first came out.

Looking forward to season two of the proper Squid Game series later this year

Anyone else finding that this season just isn’t as good as the previous ones?

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Agree. The teams are annoying. They only one I liked was the one eliminated early


I’ve not watched that episode yet, but I can guess which team that would be. I hope it isn’t, but it sounds about right.

Finished redeye on itv tonight…worth a watch

I have to say that I’m finally starting to enjoy this series of Race Across The World now.

The eliminated team wasn’t who I expected you were talking about at all.

Yet to watch last night’s episode, after having caught up on last week’s this morning, but I can see me seeing this out now.

EDIT: Found a video that talks about how it’s actually made, what with accommodating the film crew etc. I’m afraid it’s the “happy couple” from S2, but it’s interesting nonetheless: https://youtu.be/0peaoluigqI?feature=shared

Time to out myself as a a bit of a nerd…

I subscribed to Dropout about a month ago and most of my recent “TV” has been that. Pretty happy with the investment so far.

So watched the two new episodes of Dr Who that’s dropped on iPlayer before broadcast this evening.

First one was a bit meh & confusing but alright. & gets a bit of a pass as it tries to a soft reset for new viewers.

Second episode “Devils Chord” was really good & enjoyable & definitely worth watching :slight_smile:

Good to see Doctor Who is back :slight_smile:

I enjoyed Ncuti’s first outing. But I can’t see myself re-watching either of these two episodes.

Not exactly watching but reading an ever growing thread of Twitter about the aparent utter and complete mess surrodunding Eurovision this year. Dutch artist banned, Israeli delegtion seemingly breaking rules but EBU saying nothing happened. Spanish, French and Noreweigan current or previous contestants making statements and Italian member last night doing an impromtu rendtion of Imagine (John Lenon) after the practise along with some sort of speech.

And in all of this the EBU press team seems to be taking lessons from Air Cadet media team of ignore the problem until they can’t then deny everything. It is going about as well as you expect seeing as anything they ‘forget’ to put in the boradcast is just being shared by people in person.

I wasn’t going to watch Eurovision this year but this sort of makes up for it. But I am looking forward to catching thoes two episodes of Doctor Who. The 60th epsiodes were pretty good and I am looking forward to seeing more Ncuti after the Christmas special.

It’s ironic with Eurovision - every year everyone moans it’s political. This year people are moaning it’s not political enough.

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I liked the second episode a lot more than the first with the story line a bit tighter. I just didn’t like the final twist at the end which was just a big lipped alligator moment. Ditch that scene & I think it works quite well & quite thematically flows nicely into Eurovision.

It certainly is an interesting situation. Especially with how people keep drawing comparisons to how Russia was treated last year. I’m honestly surprised it has taken this long for it start going wrong for the EBU with how much of a mess this seems to have been causing online.

I do wonder how this will all sort out over the next few hours as it starts and then results come in (both jury and public).

Wondering if we should have a live chat thread?