What are you watching?

This is the sort of content I really enjoy. @redowling - I feel like this one will be right up your street too.

good little adventure there!

Away on a city break - flicked the hotel tele on & stumbled across BBC4 currently playing…….Blazing Saddles !?!

How on earth is this film still being shown? I know it was a full send up of bigots to extremis when it originated but still.

It was scrapping the knuckles when it came out - now days it’s practically amputating limbs!

The Star Trek Discovery Season 5 (and in fact whole show) finale. No spoilers but I mostly enjoyed it.

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Dr Who.

What the hell is this tosh? It used to be watchable.


I dunno, i thought the subtle nuanced foreshadowing of this weeks twist was well sprinkled throughout the episode, which certainly required a 2nd watch to catch all of it.

Dark, certainly better than Space Babies.

73 last week was good too

It’s the first I’ve seen of the new series and it just felt lacking in any real reason to exist.

I did enjoy the social commentary, very clearly aimed at people on their phones, unable to operate without them and waking into danger whilst distracted. The lesson about the dangers of technology too, and class differences.

But there was one big unanswered question for me. Why didn’t the dots just pounce rather than going through the creation process for the hungry things? The events could have all been over within a few seconds. Sentient beings with the ability for genetic engineering should be able to come up with that solution.

Going back along time here, but just announce that Rob Burrows has passed away.

League is not my type of rugby, not his support and infectious humour across both league and union.

RIP Rob :pensive:

He and Doddie Weir have done amazing things for MND awareness, fundraising and research. Both are an absolute credit to the world of rugby, and indeed the world in general.

Both provided fantastic examples of what it means to make the best of a bad situation.



Starmer v Sunak…

As per these debates are strongly moderated, if they have 45 seconds, pop the countdown clock on and cut the mic when the time is up.

I’ve had it on for about 5 mins. About to turn it off. Too much waffle to answer simple questions. And Sunak pulling this £2k out of nowhere and constantly using it as a gotcha is getting annoying.

I’ve given up…

Kinda worrying about that £2k starmer never denied

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I’m watching and I’m very close to throwing something at the TV every time that absolute maniac Sunak opens his mouth.

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It bugs me that Starmer is talking about not taxing “working people” in one breath and then talks about adding VAT to School Fees. If as currently planned my little one goes to private school I’m suddenly not a working person on that rationale.

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It’s an unfair tax break. The bigger question with school fees is why the schools have doubled the cost in recent years, why can’t they absorb the VAT rise? It’s because the schools don’t want your custom. They want the rich kids of Oligarchs and Oil Barons.

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He said it was nonsense. It’s based on some very dubious maths and adding up policies that Labour didn’t even have.
Even the really anti-Labour press aren’t using it as an attack line. Because they’re not as desperate as the dweeb who is.

Good old Labour offering to level down. It’s a soundbite and not a convincing one if he wants to get me to vote for him.

The VAT exemption doesn’t effect Tarquin and little Lord Fontleroy it as usual will be the Middle Class and indeed the successful Working Class like me that get a kick in the teeth.


The death of the middle class is down to the Tories. The idea of me sending my two kids to private school is a pipe dream, and I’m on a very good wage by most people’s standards, but finding a spare £30k to send them to school? Pfft.
So I’m far more interested in taxing those who can afford it so my kids have can have a decent shot in a state school, whose incomes have fallen and yet have been continuously told to do more with less, while private schools have kept putting up the prices. Yet, when it’s even suggested that they do the same, and do as well with a lot more than the local comp, it’s Labour killing off private schools and taxing the middle class out of them.

That’s just fair for all, it won’t be labours fault you can’t afford it Daws, it’s down to 14 years of an economy designed to make you poorer.

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Your looking at the wrong school £10K a year at our local which is significantly less that we already have to pay in Nursery fees, although that is thankfully changing with the free hours being extended down to younger kids, hell give it until next September and she might even be able to go 5 days a week.

If Labour want to close Tax Loopholes in the name of education fine, plenty of Tax exempt organisations that i would happily see paying tax, starting with the Church (are Trade Unions still exempt?).

But don’t kick the very middle class voters you want to poach from the Conservatives and pretend it’s a blow for Socialism to keep your traditional voters happy.


Looking forward to this: