You know what really makes me happy?

Double the number of the ACF :white_check_mark:

Successfully monitored our cadets to avoid any fainting :white_check_mark: (1 extracted preemptively)

Picked up ACF Cadet from the floor :white_check_mark:


Nearly 50 cadets on parade, split between three locations.

Carrying the sqn banner, RAFA and RBL standards, and still had more on parade at one location than the ACF…

GMG… a band that can’t do 120 ppm… and im sure the bass drummer went out if step with himself…


Fantastic turn out from the squadron I was caretaking for today. One of the CIs was also the Parade Commander, 2 other staff on standby with the newer cadets and roughly 30 in the main parade.

As well as the squadron’s own standard, the cadets also carried the RBL standard and the standard of the Korean War Veterans. The cadet carrying the RBL Standard was terrified of getting the dipping wrong in the church, but was absolutely spot on.

A highlight was recognising one of the RBL representatives, who carried out the readings, as an old friend I haven’t seen since we were in YEAR SIX together! We left junior school in the 90s.

But the overall highlight? This was the squadron that I used to be OC of. After more than a year away, the cadets and parents still recognised and respected me to such an extent that they felt able to be very open about their thoughts on what’s going well and not-so-well at the unit without prompting. Several asked when I would be coming back as OC. Made me feel very appreciated.


The band in the village were gash,

The RLC RSM right behind thems facial expression said it all


Parade at Whitehall went off swimmingly, as I imagined it would.

Really proud of all the Cadets for clapping every veteran who passed us as we waited our turn to march. Some of the veterans waited to clap us on our return to Horse Guards, a really nice touch.

Special mention to Surrey Wing who were behind us representing the ATC, they looked incredibly smart.


I was there :smiley:

What makes me happy? Seeing photos on Facebook from squadrons all over the country looking smart yesterday!


Got to wear a funny hat today.

Culmination of a huge amount of effort for me. Definitely a good day.



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Looks like two rounds of congratulations from that picture.


Congrats. And I’m loving the pink tie.

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What does the star badge represent?

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The university. Apparently all the graduands are “shining stars”.

Did you go to Madam Dragon’s University?


and up and off he flew, he star shining brightly as he zig-zagged through the blue

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No, Mr Tumbles.


Yes, not been very forthcoming about this time around as Saturday just gone was the same gestation as our little boy arrived.


So you may get two presentations today ? Hope you make it back from Stoke before the second as the reputation there isn’t that good. Well done !!

Well hopefully not…

The previous one arrived at 26+5, so now she’s 27+1 we are hoping for a little more time cooking.

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Pass the sick bag.

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