You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I’ve drunk some rather questionable stuff in my time…

But I’d rather do a bubble window again than let whatever monstrosity that is pass my lips.

“Hello, Police… yes, I’d like to report a crime”

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This is one of the things shoe bags are for.


Or, looking at it the other way, this is what sick bags are for :sweat_smile:

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Ah, but shoe bags also keep the dust off, stop the shoes scuffing each other in transit, and also lightly polish them whenever the shoe rubs against the inside of the bag.

Mud on my 1s from picking the ACF cadet up off the floor :white_check_mark:

ACF staff having no idea what’s happening as not monitoring there cadets at all

ACF looking to be out of ratios :roll_eyes:

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There were only 12 ACF cadets at the parade I attended today. Their only CFAV on parade marched in the wrong place, missed the eyes left, and made Mr Blobby look anorexic (not trying to be fat-phobic, but we should all be choosing to lead by example - hence me working hard to shift some weight).

The cadets I led were well presented and (mostly) well behaved. Had to have a word afterwards though as 2 of them were fidgitting, sniffling etc during the Last Post and the silences - a cardinal sin for me. Everyone else was absolutely still and respectful though.


Definite safeguarding concern there, contact wexo as the ACF HQ is down stairs :joy:


Our ACF are actually pretty good. Also easy to deal with.

I’m sure though there’s a group of ACF CFAV lurking in the deep recesses of ARRSE or wherever they hang out, swapping stories of ATC transgressions.


Our local ACF turned up late. Looked a mess. Several NCOs carrying swagger sticks as well. Very odd.

The SCC did very well though. Especially the younger ones.


Am i the only one who really dislikes swing mounted medals?


Nope. Court looks far better


I just think they look like someones found a medal and just pinned it on

For a single I don’t object. But anymore need court mounting.
I make an exception for WW1 medals which look wrong court mounted as it’s just not how they were done at the time


We’re WW2 court mounted or were they swing?

I think the court mounting (for the masses) has only really got prevalent recently.
My grandfather’s from the Korea era to the early 70s were swing mounted initially.

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What grinds my gears? All the photos on social media of pace sticks being carried on parade - why?!?

Wait until you see the picture of the ATC cadet with a swagger stick being used as part of their Mayor’s Cadet duties :rofl:

No one tell Alex…

Not HIOW so not my issue.

Was literally just saying ive seen nothing in my wing to irritate me

RAFAC CLS drum it in on the DI course that only those acting in capacity of parade WO (not Sqn, the whole parade) can carry it.

I never bother with mine it just gets in the way