You know what really makes me happy?

I thought it was the side effect of an epic toby carvery session

Don’t tell her that :joy:

Fantastic, and the medals look spot on.

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Dusting off the 1s last weekend after a couple of years and they still fit. Not been adjusted since I was measured at 20 smug


Well of course the milkybar kid doesn’t grow :rofl:

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Listening to Lord Reed. Looks like the Rwanda plan is about to be deemed unlawful. Not confirmed yet, but it is certainly looking that way so far!

Braverman’s far-right legacy is dead.


I am very happy that’s been confirmed. Its the correct decision in so many ways.


I’d be even happier if she sent herself to Rwanda.


it is almost a shame she isn’t now interviewed as the Home Sec by reporters to get her reaction to the news…

Surely she’ll get on GBNews at least?

GB News is far too left-leaning for her…

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Nah, it’s now on hold

She will run for leader on a platform of getting rid of the Human Rights Act to resurrect this plan.


Whilst I’m sure she will look to hold her own Beer Hall Putsch at some point, the ruling today did specify that even getting rid of ECHR wouldn’t enable this plan to happen.

Alright, it’s not the HRA, but it’s something.

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I haven’t had chance to read the news yet bits that sounds positive.

Interestingly other European Countries are looking at the idea of processing overseas as well, Germany have said they are looking at something (although not specifically this) and so have one of the Scandinavian countries. (I want to say Denmark) If someone comes up with a plan that is compatible with the ECHR I can see the idea becoming widespread.

The policy itself seems to be legal. The choice of Rwanda however seems to involve too much risk that the asylum seekers would be subject to breaches of the convention.

So all it needs really is a different country with better safeguards to go ahead. The government seem to think that further assurances from Rwanda would do the job, but reading the judgment I have my doubts about that. The gist seemed to be that you can’t trust Rwanda to comply with international treaties.


Cos he does some running… chop chop :smiley:

Journo’s getting things wrong/mixed up, but well done to this sqn.


Fixed that for you :slight_smile:

Joking aside, finding a country with better safeguards, who would want to sign up to this arragement doesn’t seem likely. That country would probably have their own asylum demands to manage and political pressures.

That’s massively impressive and a huge amount of money. Well done to the cadets and staff!!