You know what really makes me happy?

Sat at the dining room table, door open…

…i know that sound…

… go outside…it’s a Spitfire.


Flies over where I work almost daily when the weather is good :smiley:


It was a families day today at an RAF station. Did wonder why the airspace over my head was so noisy!

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Another day, another Crimpit masterpiece for lunch!!

I’ve been using the Mico Toastie recently to make some great cheese toasties in the microwave :smile:

Meine Deutsch ist immer noch schlect :rofl:



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Wild camping is back on


Brilliant news!! I’m tempted to go and camp on Darwell’s land at every opportunity, but it isn’t a particular nice or popular bit of Dartmoor ironically :laughing:

National RAFAC wild camping muster on their lands, anyone?


Don’t start, we’d probably need to TOPL it!

Nah. Just make it a national camp with no more than 15 personnel, not in uniform.
Then use the AT exemption.


Just stop there. You seem to forget normal rules don’t apply to national camps, they can do what they like, so no TOPL needed :wink:

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Just what we’ve witnessed with D&C recently. Wing are insistent that we follow the policies for our activities, but have decided to throw them away with D&C, leading to many disappointed cadets.

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Why what was the issue?

Wing quietly asked for a shortlist several months ago, but didn’t provide much info about what the camp involved, so it was difficult for us to sell it as none of us at our sqn have had any experience of it.

They then opened up the SMS activity much later, and it was open like any other. So naturally, cadets reviewed the information and put their names down for it. Only then the word came back to us, again very quietly, that only the cadets who had earlier gone via the shortlist would be accepted.

Had that last fact been communicated we might have done things different. But it wasn’t, and now cadets are missing out because Wing chose to act outside of policy.

Even if they hadn’t had the SMS open for applications, that would at least have been a start.

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Getting some great feedback from my recent PSI course. :grin:


Having my visit article published by the CAA! :upside_down_face:


A very wet camping trip in Cornwall. Made use of the time to complete daughters Aviation and Space badge for Brownies (think the Space badge is more interactive than our blue and bronze) and part way through her performing badge

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Submit the resources and ideas to the Training team :wink:

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