You know what really makes me happy?

Well, not the people who make the real policies, sure. But it’ll definitely be going to people who make local policies that make volunteer life difficult…

I think it would be interesting is someone who was leaving a post but not the organisation fired an email out.


Adjusted for frustration, these formal letters could be quite enlightening :wink:

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I recall speaking to an old Wg Cdr who had changed from a hardliner much feared to having a more relaxed way about him. He said he changed because he spent 18 months “at” HQAC on project and soon realised the cmdt, was going through the motions for a couple of years in their sunset posting and the RCs and staff in general, weren’t particularly interested except when it came to pay day. Which when you compared it to even the laziest adult staff, they were far more committed to the ATC, than those getting paid to be in charge. He said he didn’t feel he had the right to ball them out, when people at HQAC were completely disinterested. He ran a business and said there wasn’t one he would employ.
It changed my perspective and when it comes my resignation will be “see yer” as any more, regardless of where it goes will make not one iota of difference to those getting paid to do it. Even the most vitriolic letters would be ignored as all way through the CoC they are not bothered because despite mitherings they know the volunteer staff will put up with all the BS HQAC etc dump on us. Maybe if we weren’t so obliging, things may change.


Unless you copy it all the way up the chain as well.


MMH. Cheeseburger pasta FTW.

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This ended up being a fairly painless issue! Only 15 minutes on the phone and all sorted :smiley:

Has cheesy fajita orzo from pinch of nom tonight…its beaut


All of my students breaking for the Summer!

Someone retiring at HQAC


No… damn…

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Boss got us ice lollies! Simple happiness!


You’re not working on my roof are you? :joy:

We’re having some work done on the roof at work - poor contractors up there all day yesterday and today - we keep providing ice lollies to them and they were really pleased…


Not that I know of :eyes::eyes:

No, but a lot of welding today in a warehouse with no AC. Very very hot.

Ouch, yes! I’ll stop complaining… -

I said we could all go relaxed dress for next few weeks and I’m sat under the air-con in my shorts and t-shirt… Walking up the town to get a sandwich was bad enough…!

Every time I get an Ice Lollie, or a bacon sandwich > some idiot calls me on the phone and takes me down a rabbit hole for 10-15 mins whilst I endeavor to try to prevent it melting / going cold.

Don’t answer the phone


I work in my loft, which seems to be the most insulated loft conversion known to man kind, its a east facing sun/heat trap

Sounds like a boss to work for?

Just finished a week and a bit of ‘fun science’ starting with staff INSET last Monday, staff all 12 again.
Followed by a transition day and year 5s from local primaries coming in for taster days. My first time doing these, it was the most fun even though it was tiring.

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Having lost my favourite pair of Oakleys out paddling the other week I am now spending all of my time designing pairs on the custom part of the website.

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