You know what really makes me happy?

We should probably have a separate thread for all of this, I miss the old Politics Section of the forum, it was always quite heated lol

The big one is that with the writing on the wall how long can other people who want to run for the leadership keep their colours nailed to Boris’s mast?

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sunak and Jacks had already decided which of them will get the job in a Brown/Blair type of pact.


I don’t think Sunak could do it anymore. What charisma some members of the public who don’t really follow politics thought he had really evaporated a few months back.


that is my point and why i said a “reset” in my previous post

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I never would’ve thought to do that. Guess I can never be a modern politician :joy:

Could you imagine what would happen if CFAV could post a resignation letter on Sharepoint for all to read…


Pop it on the valuing our volunteers SharePoint site. I’m sure that would go down well

A FS in our wing recently resigned and sent her resignation letter to the whole wing. So there nothing stopping anyone doing the same!


On purpose or by accident?

Very much on purpose. It wasn’t rude at all, and actually most of the points we’re completely valid. So far any other CFAV I’ve spoken to about it have said they agree with the points she made.


But… What will the Chain of Command ACTUALLY do about it?

Sweet, sweet FA.

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It has been the honour and privilege of my life to watch this spectacle.


Unfortunately I resigned a couple of weeks ago and don’t have access any more!

Have they remembered to close your personal Bader account yet?

We’ve had at least 3 in last 10 years here in my wing, email rancid, bitter, resignation letters to all in the wing.

I sort of equally admire them for doing it, yet also think, what sad little procreations they are.

I’ve not had any come my way - but I do understand how one could become so totally frustrated that you might want to resign and stick the boot in on your way out… However I guess it all comes down to circumstances.

If a well thought out email pointing out all the ludicrous policy and blocking of activities etc is highlighted, along with all the unnecessary admin, trying to push home the amount of time volunteers have to waste on keeping the civil servants in a job - especially if it references how other organisations manage and function without the need - then I’m all ears and sympathy.

If it’s a toys out the pram job as someone hasn’t got their own way, then less so.


Ultimately though a wing wide email is going out to volunteers and not policy makers.

Well, not the people who make the real policies, sure. But it’ll definitely be going to people who make local policies that make volunteer life difficult…

I think it would be interesting is someone who was leaving a post but not the organisation fired an email out.


Adjusted for frustration, these formal letters could be quite enlightening :wink:

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I recall speaking to an old Wg Cdr who had changed from a hardliner much feared to having a more relaxed way about him. He said he changed because he spent 18 months “at” HQAC on project and soon realised the cmdt, was going through the motions for a couple of years in their sunset posting and the RCs and staff in general, weren’t particularly interested except when it came to pay day. Which when you compared it to even the laziest adult staff, they were far more committed to the ATC, than those getting paid to be in charge. He said he didn’t feel he had the right to ball them out, when people at HQAC were completely disinterested. He ran a business and said there wasn’t one he would employ.
It changed my perspective and when it comes my resignation will be “see yer” as any more, regardless of where it goes will make not one iota of difference to those getting paid to do it. Even the most vitriolic letters would be ignored as all way through the CoC they are not bothered because despite mitherings they know the volunteer staff will put up with all the BS HQAC etc dump on us. Maybe if we weren’t so obliging, things may change.