You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Yeah had it a couple of times today with edge

I think Cloudflare was having an issue today - couldn’t book my festival tickets due to a cloudflare error on their site.

Yes but it seems to relate in part to which PoP my isp is using

Yeah, think it’s ISP related. I was having issues at work and issues at home, but now sat at a Squadron and it seems to be fine! Impressive given squadron internet is renowned for being terrible.

We went through a patch of nothing working on Vodafone but they did fix that.

Sky just emailed me saying “We’ve received a request from another provider to take over your phone line on 11/07/2022 as their customer is moving to your address.”. I’m not moving and no one is moving in… Nor have I changed contracts.

GMG, knowing I’m going to have to spend ages on hold on the phone this evening after work!

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Well if they are going to pay for it it for you :slight_smile:

Had a phone call earlier.

“We are a company who look after companies that you have a service with…”
“can you tell me what I’m suppose to have, then I can answer questions on it”
“we don’t have that information, as the company haven’t shared it with us…”
“then until I know what I’m being asked for, and with what company, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to hang up.”


9 posts were split to a new topic: New Smoking and Drinking Policy

Painting a shed in this heat.

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My return flight from stockholm in august was cancelled 8 minutes after booking…

One flight cancelled two weeks out has basically torpedoed the entire trip because of the cost of finding replacements.

If upu have paid then you shouldflyat the same price

Sorting kit for the next 2 days at RIAT, my camera battery refuses to charge :sob:

Wing CO has quite rightly closed all activities inc parade nights over the Red Warning.

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I’d be shocked if ours did. That would mean him communicating with us.


Is that more to do with a notion of people wanting to stay home after they’ve been at work / school during the warmest period?
I suppose it takes decision making from the coal face.
We haven’t been told anything which is fine. But we start our summer holiday Thursdays only parade nights this week.

Having to go in the office Mon-Weds, in the red zone :fire::thermometer::sweat::sweat_drops:

Thames water doing work on the road have managed to burst a pipe. They are turning off water and power, and closing the kids’ school. Frantically filling every receptacle we have with water before having to deal with hot kids.