You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Even better, cloning an event without updating the closing date

People who do not know what a green filter traffic light means and just sit there waiting for the pretty light to change, until people start tooting them, then start to move like a slug with a bad foot.

it’s not that they don’t know what it means, I would say it’s because in many cases it’s actually pretty difficult to see the filter if you’re at the front of the queue and the filter is only on the closest traffic light (and not on the corresponding light on the other side of the junction which is easier to watch) - which is the case with all the ones near me


This is an absolute bug bare of main. Also just normal lights with no filter where the lights are only in line with the white line. So if you’re at the front you have to sit with your head forward looking up to see what’s going on!

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Traffic lights with a Give Way line immediately ( a few meters) afterwards, so the light shows green you go through think you have right of way and then if you don’t notice the line your into oncoming traffic. Why have the traffic light show your clear to go when some other traffic light on the junction is firing traffic at you.?

Most of the traffic lights where we live are the other side of the junction so no excuse, just idiots. Although I get what you mean about lights in-line with junctions, which is poor planning by whoever decides where they go.
Although I do wish they wouldn’t cowl lights so you can’t get ready to go as the lights change.

I know a place where there are pedestrian lights, which look like they are controlling the jumction. I’ve seen a few non aware see them turn green and go when the main lights are still red, until they realise, due to the cars coming from the left or right… Why they can’t remove pedestrian lights or sync them to the main lights is a mystery.

GMG. I’ve started following a few SCC and ACF accounts on the Book of Faces. Turns out, they have continued to do some fantastic work nationally with Virtual events and webinars on all sorts of things: Careers chats with Regular service folk, specialist information on careers in cyber, engineering and protection and indemnity, Peer education workshops, how to work with young people, bid writing, the list goes on.

It’s a shame there doesn’t seem the appetite to replicate this on our side of the fence.

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Check out the Sea Cadet growth & development workers. They’ve been running teams seminars since March last year on volunteer recruitment, engagement how to target on social media etc


2 recruits who have been on the waiting list, confirmed available so offered a place then being complete no shows.

17 posts were split to a new topic: IBN 045 - SOVs and RAFAC Policy

I’ve moved things to a new topic to ensure they get the visibility they need.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: IBN 045 - SOVs and RAFAC Policy

4hr wait at A&E after tripping whilst out on a run and taking an arrow to the knee.


Where were you running Sherwood Forrest?

Hopefully it’s not serious!


Auto correct?

Wtf is an arrow doing in your knee…

Hope you’re ok!

For clarity … its a take on an old meme (skyrim)

In reality, rolled my left ankle, gash below the right knee, waiting for X-ray and I assume a couple of stitches.

More annoyed that I didn’t finish the run/tore my running leggings. Also the potential lost revenue from a nice flying day tomorrow (if I’m stuck here much longer)


Did you used to be an Adventurer?

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I was until that 9hr wait in A&E!

In at 8pm, out at 5am

Should have used fast travel and a montage cutscene.