You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

Definitely up for this! The last time I recall meeting any of the miscreants from this forum was at The Shamrock in Nijmegen

IIRC, wasnā€™t The Marksman still a cadet when he came to Peterborough? I only attended the first two fests but they were jolly good fun.


that unique wall of warm, sweet, nauseous, sweaty air that hit you as you went down the stairs. It even felt sticky.


Yeah him and Dickthestick wouldā€™ve both still been Cadets.

It was certainly somewhere that smelled better before the smoking ban. I went there sober once. Big mistake


GMG - people who have worked at home since March thinking its a good idea to get together for a works night out and share hotel rooms a few days before wanting to be part of 3 household bubble on Xmas Day :man_facepalming:t2: :vangry:

Ahh, the British Embassy - been a while since I was there. Aiming for 2022

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22 posts were split to a new topic: Model Paint and Kits - Sources and Tips

The new dads army filmā€¦ Thatā€™s all

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Kitchen radio is kaputā€¦ on Boxing Day. If iā€™d known it was on its way out, Iā€™d have requested one from Santa.

We got a new gucci Roberts istream 3 for Xmasā€¦ Its great.

Especially when sheā€™s cooking listening to S Club 7 (you wouldnā€™t think sheā€™s 29) and I have the ability to change the song to Metallica from my phone


Iā€™d be OK with either choiceā€¦


Nothing wrong with a bit of Steps!

GMG this morning, the bathroom scales are clearly broken. I allegedly have put on an entire stone over the past few months!

Onto the new year diet/fitness/well-being bandwagon I hop!


BBC couch 2 5k will be your friend


I did that at the beginning of the yearā€¦ but lost motivation when I got to the 5K - once hitting the goal I struggled to be motivated to keep it upā€¦

Maybe to start Iā€™ll just have to knock the port and wine on the head for a week or two; let the alcohol bloat subside and see what state Iā€™m in then :joy:


I originally commited to a minimum of 1 5k a week and tried to build to 10km

Maxed out at 13km in October and not been on a run sinceā€¦

Sorta tempted to try and hit the 13 mile mark by the summer once the weather permits

Thatā€™s a very good goal.

Iā€™m pretty sure my weight gain is alcohol / lockdown based.

Iā€™ve been drinking a lot more, and been a lot less active with all the lockdowns.

I blame cadets partly too - thatā€™s two nights a week I would be out and about on my feet being active, home late straight to bedā€¦ now itā€™s spent sat on the sofa with a bottle of plonk!

Remember 1 glass of wine is the same calories as a doughnut!!

Ditto lifes been pretty stressful of recent and I really canā€™t be bothered to cook healthy meals/do exercise etc.

For the foreseeable Iā€™m probably not going to be permitted to be around cadets(chemo shielding, not me getting chemo) but I think I can turn Sunday morning into a long middle of no where run days before the boss awakes and do the 5ks pre work

I actually lost weight during lockdown, I donā€™t really drink at home so shutting the pubs lowered that intake and having nothing else I actually started running again.

Iā€™ve been a bit crap recently but have just started running again properly as I have some quite physical courses planned for next year.


I just seem to really have hit a wall. Its a cold, crisp, sunny afternoon - my favourite weather.

But instead of pulling on my boots and a jacket for a nice brisk walk through the beautiful local countryside Iā€™m slumming it in trackies on the sofaā€¦ Moaning about getting fat. I know I would enjoy the walk, I have nothing better to doā€¦ Why am I struggling to get my bum up and out the door!

Iā€™ve never felt this sluggish and lazy before!!!