You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I am like that sometimes! To make sure I get out of the house, I try going out for a walk around the block (which is 5 mins if that) at lunch. There are options to extend it, so if I can take a slightly longer walk if I feel like it.

I do need to properly start exercising though. I too started the couch to 5k and got about half way through but then it started getting wet and dark and I didn’t feel motivated or safe to go my usual route so stopped! I just need to find something I enjoy!
The amount of chocolate we got at Christmas certainly won’t be helping my waistline!

I think it’s a bit like that age old rule -its harder to get going once you stop. Laws of motion and all that!

Don’t beat yourself up. I would say most people have fell into some sort of rut!

I think it’s so much finding something you enjoy. People default to running as the easiest thing to get into to, but it just isn’t the right sport for everyone.

I got really into cycling earlier in the year which I mix up with running and circuit training so I don’t get bored of any one thing.

I also think getting into a routine is mega important. Once you get past the first three weeks or so it becomes much easier to stick to it in my experience.

Agree about finding things you enjoy. I haven’t found that yet exercise wise. I struggle to do stuff on my own (motivation, transport and anxiety related) so I struggle if my partner doesn’t want to do it and he is a fair weather person! I was doing some free exercise classes online during lockdown but they’ve gone onto a paid platform now so really need to stop being cheap and buy that as it as ok, well certainly made me feel I was working out and was something I could happily do on my own.

This is the thing. Variety.

I’m the same; I run, swim, cycle and circuit train in varying quantities based on what I fancy. Means there’s always something I want to do!

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Opening up my new airfix kit that I bought myself for Christmas, only to find that an entire sprue is missing. :pensive:
And having realised that its the sprue with the canopy and final pieces on I think I can build everything else. But no, one of the paint pots, for the bits I need to print before assembly, is solid rubber. Grrr

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Generally Airfix are pretty good about replacement parts. What are you building out of interest?

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It’s a Harrier. Have sent them a message. The most annoying thing is it was my afternoon activity planned. First time I’ve had completely to myself in about 6 months. No idea when I’ll next get the chance to do it.

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I feel your pain. I have a couple of Harriers in the stash. Which mark?

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GMG - Not being able to speak to a human at Parcel Force. Meant to have a critical machine part delivered this morning but tracking says “Address problems (unable to locate premises)”. No option on the website to check they even have the right address or anything. Need to make sure it’s delivered tomorrow. Not even stuck on hold, just can’t get the right combination of options to speak to someone!!!

GMG - General Aviation Pilots on social media posting screenshots and complaining when they see an aircraft in the air on Flight Radar - because they can’t fly.

This particular gentleman, who is an ex-forces musician didn’t make note that its a RAFAC glider, presumably performing some kind of currency flight (I’d hope) so that there’s not a massive delay (moreso than there already has been) in getting the instructors current again when F2F starts again and we can get start trying to get the ‘air’ cadets in the air again.

Unfortunately against my best instincts, I did reply to his ‘story’


When Mrs Crazy decides the lounge needs a complete makeover just after I’ve gone back to work 🤷😡

A few years ago I had literally the worst day at work… 15 hours after starting I got home and got told she wanted for me to drive to the local shopping centre for some evening shopping…no isn’t part of her vocabulary…so I systematically started necking beers so I was unable to drive… 4 days followed of peace and quiet as she ignored me, was bliss really


Yeah, maybe don’t call her that to her face. That won’t end well :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think it could end things pretty well

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Your possibly right, she might be able to catch me now she has her new wheels :rofl:

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Jobsworth plod in Wales fining people who had been to visit the wife’s 94 year old mother in a home, because they didn’t think it was a justifiable journey.
These fines like all of them are purely a money raising exercise. open to abuse. You can see the cost of processing complaints costing more than what they raise. Which would make me laugh.

No, they’re a deterrent to stop people breaking the Health Protection Regulations. In case it wasn’t already clear the money doesn’t go into the officers pocket. I’m pretty sure it goes into the consolidated Government fund.

If there has been an improper giving of a FPN, then complain/take the court date. There have certainly been a lot of stupid FPNs given out by some over-zealous constables in the last 10 months. But for a most part the FPNs have been widely underused IMO.

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Standard FPN rules apply if your not happy with it choose to go to Court and explain to a Magistrate and they can decide whether it was justified or not, just understand you are running the risk of a Criminal Conviction plus a fine of you lose.

The public seem to be complaining that not enough fines have been issued along with too many, people like the rules enforcing until it applies to them.

Why do that when you can cause a fuss on social media, get the press involved and have your 5 minutes of fame whilst the authorities bottle it😡