You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

To be fair when I was a Cadet in the 90’s the Aircraft Knowledge syllabus still included Phantom and possibly Lightning


A complaint from a solicitor that I didn’t include something in the draft pleadings that they didn’t ask me to do in the instructions.

I’d already saved them from a massive negligence claim by pointing out a fundamental error in their initial advice to the mutual client, and they were happy to file the claim at court as drafted.

It’s only 6 months later they decide something was missed when I drafted it. Luckily our internal complaints procedure has told them to do one, but they’re taking it to the Ombudsman. Can’t wait to finally wind down the remainder of my advocacy practice.

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Another admin night, another SMS outage.
Oh well. I guess admin night becomes film night :laughing:

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Getting your mandatory learning done?

I forgot how itchy stitches get and now i want to cut my hand off

Have a chat with @Batfink:

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Trying to find reasonably priced flights to Minneapolis that work around my schedule is the most irritating thing

The price of renting a flat round here.

Yeah i briefly looked at buying in your neck of the woods, quickly gave up

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It’s got ridiculous. My house has made more money than me in the last 10 years. Sadly the rises mean there’s no hope of me buying my own place. Likely back to renting for the foreseeable future.

Tried commuter towns slightly further down the m3?

My town has a one bed for sale at £265k…

It’s not exactly affordable.

Half a mil for a new build 1 bed flat in the village i live in

I can’t believe how much housing costs elsewhere. I’m currently eyeing up a 2-up, 2-down Victorian terraced house in a nearby town that needs no work doing on it and has an asking price of £100k.

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I could’ve almost bought for cash with the deposit for my 3 bed semi.

GMG. Announcements on SMS is broke :frowning:

Again or still?

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God knows. Wont let me tell all my cadet nco courses have changed next year. The save button has no actual action

Also my internet speed tonight is 69kbs :rage:

Just realised that the ‘open return’ train ticket I purchased to go up to London on Friday was actually only a day return…

I have realised this as I’m sat on said return train back home :grimacing::grimacing::sweat_smile: