You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

But my truck is 4 wheel drive so a bit of cold is fine

says the truck driver on nearly half bald summer tires

I see it all the time in winter. I enjoy smugly driving past stuck 4x4s when it’s cold out. All season tires make a hell of a difference!


I do wonder how many school-run Chelsea tractors have done their best impression of a famous Paul Simon song today; slip sliding away…

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All I want to do is install office on the new sqn laptops.

It took me ages to firstly work out from the technology exchange which product to buy. I think I got the right one.

Finally got approved, got the licence.

Come to squadron, download the exe file to start install. Computer says no as it’s in S mode. Can’t get out of S mode as you’re not signed in with an account. Can’t sign in with an account as you don’t have that licence.

OK, I’ll remove S mode via disabling the safe boot like the internet suggest. Did that, then BitLocker has a grump and you can’t boot without a recovery key. Can’t get a recovery key as I don’t have an account.

Finally create random email to get a Microsoft account. Remove S mode. Log in. Open the exe file. Set up starts, I agree the EULA and then bam, it disappears and nothing happens.

I’ve shut it down before I throw it out. I hate you Microsoft. I hate you deeply and with passion.

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On a Sqn laptop… bit extreme?

It’s preinstalled, we didn’t choose it.

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Files downloaded from Bader could be anything up to and including OSP, so BitLocker would seem entirely appropriate. MODNET laptops come with it.

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I made a new process recently to document changes to funding for some of our clients. It’s essentially an Excel spreadsheet as the backend of a MS Form.

To prevent the many shared users from mucking up the entered data, I locked down the input sheet with a password.

MS are too dumb to work out that I still wanted Forms/SharePoint to be able to add new data to that sheet, so it blocked itself from doing so…

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Is there a way you could vlookup or similar? So you have a live sheet that forms etc updates, then a locked sheet that duplicates?

I did create a secondary sheet, the idea that it copied the info from the input sheet into a sheet that people could edit/copy from.

I’ll likely leave it as is. Ultimately, the changes being made should be tracked via a CRM system, but the department is too scared of tech to do that (hence why they needed a project manager to make them an Excel workbook…)

Prepping to teach Airmanship Knowledge tonight for leading cadet…

Why are we still teaching in Combat Aircraft… Tornado and Harrier?

Tornado F3 retired from active service in 2011, Harrier retired in 2010…


Taught a section of Principles of Flight recently.

No serving aircraft (Tornados yes, Harrier, C130, Tristar even). Then we get to the Lighting II slide and with relief I say ‘and a currently serving aircraft’

Hand goes up at back of class

‘No it isn’t Sir, that is an F-35C and the UK only operates the B model’


I think you’ve just found the leader for your Air Recce team.


Was your response to quickly show the Lancaster & spitfire ? :joy:


I’m not that sharp witted these days sadly!

I taught PoF last night and one of our cadets could tell me the aircraft based on the photo of the engines in reverse thrust. He told me the make and model of the engine and then what aircraft they were fitted to.

He will be our air recce leader, should it ever come back.


Those are still current though?

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Because the “new syllabus” was written in 2009/2010 and finalised in Summer 2010. In October 2010 HMG conducted the Strategic Defence and Security Review which put an axe through a large number of aircraft in the inventory. Unfortunately, the “new syllabus” was “set” then… so went “live” with it’s content way out of date!!

It was originally agreed that it was going to be reviewed and updated ever 2 years to ensure currency. But, like many promised things by HQAC, it never actually materialised and/or was effectively reviewed…

And here we are… 13 years later. And people why we lack confidence in HQAC…


To be fair when I was a Cadet in the 90’s the Aircraft Knowledge syllabus still included Phantom and possibly Lightning


A complaint from a solicitor that I didn’t include something in the draft pleadings that they didn’t ask me to do in the instructions.

I’d already saved them from a massive negligence claim by pointing out a fundamental error in their initial advice to the mutual client, and they were happy to file the claim at court as drafted.

It’s only 6 months later they decide something was missed when I drafted it. Luckily our internal complaints procedure has told them to do one, but they’re taking it to the Ombudsman. Can’t wait to finally wind down the remainder of my advocacy practice.

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Another admin night, another SMS outage.
Oh well. I guess admin night becomes film night :laughing:

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