From my chat with the current AOC22 Gp last yr, yep, very supportive.
I note with interest OC QAICs note on the review. I wish him and his team well. As I see it, realignment of the syllabus with the ASTRA directive will be the ( relatively) easy bit. With the starting age for the course at 16 the return on investment for the RAFAC will be the most difficult circle to square. With Scottish cadets completing Highers at 17 and the remainder A levels at 18 the only opportunity for some to pay back before potential departure to University/ College
will be at the RIAT immediately following their course end. For others they may have one full year to pay back at Regional/National
level. Or do we just settle for the fact that for a proportion of the QAIC cadets using it as an incentive to keep them in the organisation for longer is a big enough return in itself?
Is OC QAIC a secondary role? WHy does QAIC need a Wing Commander to run it, when JL is run by a Squadron Leader?
I think I just found some efficiency savings…
And VA
They’ve already saved all of that by just cancelling it!
Laughing at the QAIC Facebook post: a certain HQAC perm staff claiming that the previous announcement that QAIC would continue was accurate because the course that was already running didn’t get cancelled…
What a joke. That is clearly not what it meant, and to try and pretend that is the case is just silly!
Ah, technically correct, the best kind of correct
Interesting idea that I’ve heard floating around. Would be good for JL to use some of the time they have available whilst on stand down to put on CPD for CFAVs who might not be confident in delivering the orders or acting as a section commander for the new fieldcraft syllabus.
Indeed! Where else are all these “experienced section commanders” that the new syllabus requires going to come from, with QJLs aging out and not being replaced?
That peeved me off because she posted that in response to me pointing it out
FYI RIAT is headed up by a Wing Commander (OC RIAT) Supported by two Sqn Ldrs (OC Eng, and OC Ops) - all of these roles are primary
Are any supernumerary elsewhere?
the previous Sqn Ldr Eng was also a Sqn Officer.
When he took on the (RIAT) role he was OC Sqn and Wg Radio Officer, but dropped the latter two soon after OC Eng appointment realising he couldn’t do all three.
I think it is personal preference
So what do they do for the rest of the year?
I know RIAT will be all consuming for a period of the year but surely there is something else they are doing?
Lot’s of important meetings to discuss
Future Accommodation Solutions
I wouldn’t bet on it - the Sqn I was at as a cadet hosted a weekend exercise called Ultimex - teams of 4 roaming the Cotswolds with activity stands - it morphed into a monster with 50+ teams from everywhere between Birmingham, Reading, Swansea and Exeter, a former RAF base and cargo drops by C-130.
The bloke who ran it - a CI - effectively did nothing else on the Sqn. Planning started about 18 months before hand, and as we got to about 3 months prior it started to envelop the entire Sqn. At one month prior nothing happened on the Sqn that wasn’t prep for Ultimex.
It was a brilliant thing - and it taught me to think big - but the other lesson was that of the 30/40 other Sqn’s who came along and had a ‘free’ weekend where someone else did all the planning work, less than a handful would invite a gang from our Sqn to something they’d organised…
Wing and region people would turn up/glory hunt for the weekend obvs, but oddly, were nowhere to be seen when we were traipsing round Gloucestershire asking farmers if we could use there land for a farm or whatever…
Ops as i understand are in continual discussion with Douglas Bader House (the airshow office) in terms of what the show will look like and what the RAFAC committment/support will be (ie how many tasks are they wanting the Cadets to look after, and then a working how many Cadets/flights that will take all while keeping the camp within the agreed size)
Eng is much more hands on, or was.
As the tents were RAFAC owned, ie not on loan from Stafford/Bicester/MOD Stores, they needed “maintenance” in the months after the show they would all be unpacked, inspected and repaired where necessary, and repacked.
this was not just for the tents, but all the RAFAC hardware kit.
this was a repeat process as many of the tents were not just used for RIAT, being RAFAC owned there were available for RAFAC use and so often deployed on other annual camps where hard accommodation on station isn’t available. Of course once they returned to Little Rissington* they would again be unpacked, inspected and repacked on the basis that a stillage going out would be of “known” quality
*RIAT Camp has a hangar as a “stores” where it keeps its kit
That’s interesting, sounds like a QM job and I wonder if the HQ Logs people know this person exists and is doing something they should have visibility of.
Outside of my sphere of old people and nursing homes but I can see why there is a review happening at the moment of volunteer roles when all these primaries appear.