Comdt RAFAC leaving & replacement

Probably better to “register” or align as an organisation rather than a club (unless entire RAFAC would count as one club)?

I suspect the NSRA (& of course NRA) would be very pleased to have cadets under their umbrella. Might make CCRS’s life easier for Fullbore shooting too?

From memory (it was a long time ago), each Sqn would have to register as a club. It was cost prohibitive, also there were questions around the exemptions i.e. need to have a fire arms certificate.

Best sticking with the current safe system of training, etc.

Moving a risk to life activity to the oversight of a NGB?

It’ll never catch on…

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He better not! LASER can have him, not a single cadet or staff member in SW that I have talked to wants to even so much as hear is name again after Sept 24.

on that topic, any know how Dawn is getting on as a CI on Squadron somewhere down in Cornwall isn’t she?

Well he knew he wasn’t going to be an AVM that’s why he went FTRS

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You’re correct. Its widely thought in the RAF that Comdt AC is a retirement job.

Cant remember anyone in recent history who took on a new military role and proceeded past Air Cmdr. Gordon Moulds and Ian Stewart stayed Air Cmdr

Considering both Chitty & Moulds came in as regular officers with the view that they had futures & didn’t progress I think it would be a naive person who took the role as FTRS thinking they would have a 2 Star future.

It used to be a 1 star has been role, now as FTRS it’s a “never was” role.


Was he actually promotable to be a regular 1*, especially after being short toured as A4 commander to RAFAC on an FTRS contract?

And especially no if stories are true.

169 St Blazey. Helps out as if she was and always has been a good CI. She has no special treatment in the Wing, she is, as are the rest of the CI’s in PCW, a good member of staff.


He would have to have had a positive promotion recommendation on his most recent OJAR to apply for an FTRS post above his substantive rank. Whether or not he was competitive for promotion is another question.

He was a 1* in the regulars. Remains to be seen if he had the grades to make 2* considering all roles are highly competitive and many are open to all 3 services and civil servants

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Ahh, but weren’t Chitty and Moulds the last regular 1 Stars we had? Chitty was certainly still a regular and got the commandant’s house at cranditz.

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Stewart was a regular (he also had the house and hosted every OIC and SCC for dinner) not sure about “Call me Babs”

Babs was the last one.

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So that confirms it, there was no comms plan at all for announcing TK leaving. It was a surprise for everyone!

His four-year contract ending was no surprise — we’d been discussing it on here for months in advance.

Well that was a waste of personnels time


Maybe someone should submit a FOI request to see how much time/manpower is spent/wasted processing FOIs since they were introduced…