JL and QAIC Paused for 24/25 [Confirmed]

i belive it is a requirement for graduated QIAs to attend that years RIAT

Wind changed direction…?

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Cadets don’t have access to things like Maildrop or sharepoint, If a cadet is interested in JL or QAIC, they’re going to follow them on Facebook/JL.

so yes SM is the best way to put out this info

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Depends entirely on the implementation. There’s at least some that produce cadet versions.

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They should do so eventually, sure, but the first port of call should be to inform CFAVs internally. This is because it’s the CFAVs who have to deal with the disappointment cadets and their parents - if the CFAVs don’t have a heads-up, it can put them in an extremely difficult and awkward situation.

Not every CFAV uses social media, nor should they be expected to.


The rumour mill has already churning, near enough every cadet who cares about these courses would have heard through Meme pages or friends that they were being paused.

All the QAIC post does is put a positive spin on it. so they’re trying to manage cadet expectations.

And by the time a Cadet is 16 (the minimum age for QAIC) they likely have the deduction skills to realise their Sqn Staff don’t control national courses


It doesn’t even need to be internally first. At the same time is fine. But both should happen, not just SM on it’s own.


Not when there are mixed messages or lack of related information provided to CFAVs


Noone is arguing against the use of Social Media, yes it’s the best way to get comms direct out to the Cadets, our customer. But we need to be getting formal internal comms out to CFAV’s first. We’ve all had times where little Jenny has approached us at the sqn asking about X, Y or Z event or badge or whatever and our response is “eerrr I don’t know anything about that because I didn’t see the social media post”


Yes, but as others have pointed out your response ignores the need to notify CFAV, who wouldn’t have the same relationship with SM and see these things.

I don’t really agree with this, because SM is instant while formal Comms might only get reviewed once or twice a week.

Let’s not forget that we had all officially been notified that QAIC was scheduled to continue this year - the only message we’d had on it. It’s a bit embarrassing for your cadets to tell you the news when something changes or is announced because of a meme on Insta (or even an official post).


My squadron believes that TK is annoyed that he isn’t getting another job after this and for that reason he is trying to leave a mess so that the next person looks bad.

I believe AOC 22 Group doesn’t want the pay more for RAFAC, and therefore is using TK to make cadets do less, so he doesn’t have to pay as much to RAFAC.

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That cannot be true, a shortfall of ÂŁ5,000,000 in the defence budget of 42 billion is something like 0.012% of the cost of the UK military. While 5 million sounds like a large amount it is tiny compared to 42 billion.


Nah, AOC 22Gp is a massive advocate for us. Read the ASTRA document he produced for us.

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Who knows what the real state behind the lines is? I’m trying to think in the context that the budgetary issues that are hitting the forces atm despite the meagre increases dolled out to them are hitting 22 Grp really hard (as multiple sources suggest both in the media and according to certain SIs I know) means that they don’t have the money to even train their own guys.

(I did go hunting for defence expenditure by service branch to make another point about the RAF only getting about a quarter of the budget due to the deterrent, and the impact that has, but I couldn’t find a source)

Okay, I’ll go hunting!


I realise this was actually written by the previous AOC 22 Gp… But my point still stands, 22 Gp are generally quite supportive of us.

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From my chat with the current AOC22 Gp last yr, yep, very supportive.

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I note with interest OC QAICs note on the review. I wish him and his team well. As I see it, realignment of the syllabus with the ASTRA directive will be the ( relatively) easy bit. With the starting age for the course at 16 the return on investment for the RAFAC will be the most difficult circle to square. With Scottish cadets completing Highers at 17 and the remainder A levels at 18 the only opportunity for some to pay back before potential departure to University/ College
will be at the RIAT immediately following their course end. For others they may have one full year to pay back at Regional/National
level. Or do we just settle for the fact that for a proportion of the QAIC cadets using it as an incentive to keep them in the organisation for longer is a big enough return in itself?

Is OC QAIC a secondary role? WHy does QAIC need a Wing Commander to run it, when JL is run by a Squadron Leader?

I think I just found some efficiency savings…

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And VA

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