You know what really makes me happy?

I like!

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MMH: Last day of work before a long weekend in the town of Huaraz, home to the Cordillera Blanca and the tallest mountain in Peru; Huascaran with a peak at 22,205ft (no, I’m not climbing it…)

And, because I’m a child, my favourite named lake - Laguna 69, which I might trek to: Lake 69 - Wikipedia


These bad boys?


They are the badgers

We’ve played host this week.


Some nice footage of them going through the Mach Loop too.

There’s an airshow coming to town at the end of next week, and we’ve been getting different groups practicing all week.

This morning, the Policía Nacional have been showing off.

Indeedy, 3 ship went over my house nice and low - 5 y/o daughter was buzzing!

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Apparently they were a bit of a handful at the BoB dinner.

At least their BoB dinner went ahead, Mr Emz’s Station one was cancelled this week, due to rats!

HQAC was there?


Popped home for a quick visit :canada:

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In canada in Nov. Planning to get authentic tims

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Yesterday I hiked from 12,900ft to 15,100ft amsl. Set off deciding to take it steady given the altitude, which somehow meant I ended up being the first person from my group to reach Lake 69, 45 minutes ahead of schedule (I genuinely was taking it steady too - very small steps, but not stopping)

My heart felt like it was going to expload up my throat and out of my head at times, especially on the last of 3 switchbacks which were just stupidly steep up a moraine wall, but proud to have made it and not passed out!

Today I’m off to attempt to see a tropical glacier at 17,200ft amsl. Let’s see how the lungs hold up!


That’s impressive. I’ve previously had altitude problems from 13k feet :grimacing: 17k is a lot!

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Admittedly, I’m doing this one just to see if I can. The suckling of coca sweets has already begun!

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I think these two things might be connected :joy:

In all seriousness, they really helped yesterday. Speaking to a tour guide this morning and he’s said the same thing about when he summited a 5,700m mountain last year.