You know what really makes me happy?

New RAFAC activity. :smiling_imp:


lets see, it ticks off:

  • flying
  • STEM
  • Sports
  • Skill (for DofE)?
  • Shooting (kinda)
  • Comms (talking to the pilot)

seems like a great all encompassing activity! :ok_hand:


But can it be done with a VR headset :scream::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I donā€™t know, cdts might fall off the chairsā€¦

So working from height risk assessment?

Wot no seatbelts, how very risky.

sit them on the floor?

Tbh, the image of some really plush couches came into my head. The type that you need another personā€™s help to get out of, otherwise you just sink in.

Now Iā€™m just imaging a couch made of cotton wool :laughing:

RAFAC comms working as they should for a change.


How long before 123 (Anytown) Sqn ruin it by putting it up on Facebook early?

Nearly fell off my chair!! :laughing:

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I was genuinley pleased about the approach


Hopefully, with the new regime, this is the way.

It was very well done. Two hour internal warning before announcing publicly, we like this.

I will say though, adding the embargo at the very top would have been more ideal. I honestly read the first sentence then came here to post. The embargo was buried under all the waffle! @Wizzle :wink:

This is a great move forward in terms of comms though.



Also, just a thank you to the mods for helping honour the embargo.

There was lots of back and forth to allow it to happen for us, as itā€™s an RAF process, and sharing internally, before they shared, is different to the norm. But there was a full agreement that we should follow the principle that comms go internal before external, even if that air gap is more limited.


I liked that i was told through internal comms, rather than coming on here and seeing itā€¦or the meme pages.


MMH. Royal Navy looking to invest in cadet forces and bring back the HMS Bristol experienceā€¦


Think g Echo over Ramsey

Spent a joyful week aboard Bristol many years ago. Something like 80% of the 150 or so of us got D&V from the raw sewage leaking down the walls*

*Pedants may insert correct nautical term here

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