You know what really makes me happy?

What makes me happy?

Earlier I was watching someone play their guitar through a massive Tesla Coil.

The event is ElectroMagneticField (EMF 2024) and it’s been absolutely awesome so far.


Freezing y’day, so very welcome


Successful paddlesport leader assessment after the first one had to be deferred due to lack of wind. Solid day out in F3 today and 4 new leaders.


35km walk on Sunday.


I spent today doing DofE training with a very enthusiastic bunch of Cadets ahead of their Bronze Exped.

Despite everything that goes on in this organisation, days like this are a really good reminder of why I’m still sticking at it - for now, anyway.

Ask me again after I’ve jumped through the hoops of getting on another AT register in a different Wing and navigating the paperwork required to take an exped out. I don’t care what anyone says, every Wing wants something different :rofl:


The bus ride past Heathrow

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One of my mentees just smashed the End Point Assessment for her apprenticeship with a distinction!

A young person who was poorly let down by the education system, has faced incredible barriers to going forwards, but has approached life with grit, determination and inner resilience. She’s a massive champion for the underdog, diligent, conscientious and thorough in her approach, and with a vast skillset which isn’t measured by GCSEs and grades - nor even taught in school.

So stoked.

(Now to find her a job where she can put her skills and qualifications to good use… as end of apprenticeship means end of contract. And once she’s found work, then I’m going to set about fixing this part of the system - I cannot believe we’re letting her go!!!)


What was the apprenticeship in? What locations is she looking for? Perhaps the RAFAC network can help.


Youth Work. Location is fixed due to children / schools etc

I’ve set her up a few informal discussions with some local providers and schools for pastoral work, family support work, learning mentoring and participation workers - I’m hopeful something will come of them for her!


MmH: Voting! Don’t forget today people! I don’t care who you vote for, just make sure that you do.


Did it last week so catch up :wink:

Bit of tactical voting here to get the tories out of the new forest…probably wont make a difference but oh well, did my bit.

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That conjures up an image of you clearing them trench by trench with a couple of grenades and a commando dagger between your teeth.

Mind you, they might create a stay behind echelon in rural areas, holed up in concealed bunkers with canned food and stacks of Get Brexit Done leaflets.

I’m surprised I agreed with the Greens on anything. Won’t be voting for them though.

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Did you do the full survey or just the ‘top 3’ as it suggests?

I did the whole one a couple of days ago, but found it tricky. It would be better if you could pick multiple, as some policies there are almost identical answers!

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I did the full survey, would be nice if you could dig deeper but I suppose that’s my point, if you approve of the Selma killing policy you have to live with his Bart killing policy.


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Uncharacteristically I’m over the moon!

Back in May the wet belt on my 66 plate Ford Transit Custom snapped…

Ford had carried out the recall inspection 2 years ago and given it the ok - last autumn they confirmed the service interval of 144,000 to replace the wet belt (like a timing chain) - the van was on about 96,000.

Belt snapped at 108,000 - initially local Fors garage that had carried out the inspection refused any responsibility - referred me to Ford UK.

Ford UK initially refused responsibility saying - “we revised the service interval DOWN to 100,000 in January”, without notifying registered owners…

I asked for details of their legal department…

After a couple of phone calls, scanned copies of my V5 and an inspection at my local Ford Garage (the same one!) Ford UK have agreed to replace the engine… free of charge!!!

A vehicle I’d had to “write off” and replace at considerable expense is about to get a new engine… and will in turn be sold as fast as humanly possible…!

Recouping at least £8,500 hopefully! Which is just as well as Mum2James has just dropped a couple of bombshells of things “we” would like to buy…!


Ending a testing week in this organisation with a confirmed working week in stockholm in Sept. Cant wait


Watch out in Malmo……:face_with_spiral_eyes: