You know what really makes me happy?

Another cheese-gate opportunity has presented it’s self… Everyone seems to be included!

When will people learn BCC exists, or that the Bader/Influence team can do proper announcements. :thinking:


To be fair it does contain the handling instructions “if this does not apply to you please delete. If you are replying please make sure you do not reply all”

Normally the person sending hasn’t even considered this so I think it’s okay this time although still better to bcc.

The fact they have acknowledged the potential issue of people replying all, yet still decided not to use BCC is worse :joy: I guarantee we’ll still get at least 1 reply-all! (I’d bet on it…)

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You’d have won that bet.


Just got the notification on my phone :rofl: :rofl:

#cheesegate2 :joy:


So someone has replied to all saying using bcc will prevent a repeat of cheesegate!


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I didn’t have a direct reference on my bingo card.

But I am enjoying the irony of that email.

Anyone spotted that TK is copied?


I’m 100% okay with that reply all. Let the whole organisation know how to use BCC to stop this nonsense in the future. Phil Jones, whoever you are, thank you. Some of the best organisation wide comms I’ve seen in a while :joy:

Oh Dean, oh Dean oh Dean oh Dean.

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I’m not even sure who the Reuben is they’re forwarding to. There’s no new email in the To or CC… Must have used BCC for the one person it’s getting forwarded it?

In what universe is 1925 the afternoon?

I’m quite enjoying this.

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This is what led to the OG Cheesegate comment. Must resist…

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Why is this in someone’s signature?!

Like, what?! Does this really need to be at the bottom of every email you send? :sweat_smile:

Though with the subject matter, this time it’s going to be “I love Cheesus”

What in the attempt to relate to Gen Z is number 3. ‘Spread Good Vibes’ isn’t something I have seen in the Astra principles before.