You know what really makes me happy?


Lovely evening for a spot of Pyro TV


Reminds me of my mis-spent youth watching hexi telly

Whilst having to throw out quite a few lecture notes etc isn’t making me particularly happy, I’m enjoying seeing how well I used to be able to write.

Perhaps I need another fountain pen?


MMH. Bank holiday swim in the sea in the rain. We were the only idiots on the beach. And it was brilliant - cold - but good!!!

My late grandad left the RAF as a Warrant Officer in the 90s. I remember every time I visited him, he had this picture on his wall at the bottom of his stairs, framed. Never spoke to him about it, but I really liked it and used to wonder what it was about.

Continuing with my clear out, I’ve just found it again and it’s reminded me that it wasn’t the poster that my parents and I thought it was. Oh no.

We took it out of its battered old frame and found it’s a song sheet! I’ve no idea how the tune goes, but it’s pretty cool and looks to be an original from 1925 (if I’ve read the numerals correctly).

So does anyone fancy giving it a rendition?

EDIT: I found the original being played!


I found the box with my old PS2 and projector in. They both still work despite 10 odd years in the loft.

Goodbye any chance of productivity tonight


Living the absolute dream

Best part is not spending hours downloading updates. Just put the disc in and play


Wish it was like that.

Next time in london ill let you know, can grab a beverage?

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The future is 20 years ago


Buy Starfish Island speedrun?

Lovely day on the Exe today, with levels we would usually be praying for in the winter!

Also, first time I’ve ever had to give way to traffic on a river:


The uplift in weather conditions over the past few weeks has really brought out a lot of wildlife. I’m not quick enough to catch them all, but I have just had a kestrel visit.

I think I was spotted…


Had a walk through Richmond Park yesterday watching the kestrels picking off some mice. Also saw a heron stealing a duckling

Flight up past Windemere yesterday!


Not posted until now for OpSec/PerSec reasons but we had a really good weekend, 2 large scale wing activities, cadets on both achieved.

Feeling a bit more positive about everything as a result!


Going to Wellingborough for the Waendal weekend. Did the 2 x 25km road route. Great to catch up with lots of marchers from the UK and beyond.


I saw your picture at the infamous ‘End’ :slight_smile:

After a week of hectic planning a Ferry Flight of a clients SR20 from the UK to Dubai… including some last minute changes of plans.

Day 1 is done, if all goes to plan Dubai by Friday!