You know what really makes me happy?

As @daws1159 says

Back in the distance past we had ‘reopen nominations’ as a choice in student union elections.

It rarely happened but it did allow a protest vote without spoiling the paper or posting a blank ballot.

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MMH, Mrs Secret is pregnant and we’ve announced it to the world.
You all being part of the world now know too.
That is all.


no - i would see “Sunday politics” as a “go to” thread for all thing political

it is a very good question - if “none of the above” where a party in their own right they would “win”

The trouble i have with voting locally for national PM is it makes no sense and so is my protest vote a vote against the 6 local candidates as none of them seem to take my view on local issues seriously or is it a protest against Westminster?

I often find myself torn between who I want in govt as the PM/party in Govt and the local MP I want running the town (ok i know there is a council involvement too).
While my local MP is keen to deal with the lack of progress on a bypass issue which has been causing traffic problems for the last 10 years, they belong to a party I do not want in power.

So I would see a “none of the above” as an option for those who are forced to vote by a mandatory system, but either don’t care enough to pick anyone, or simply wish to protest

I do see the point if none of the candidates win a majority of “none of the above” what does that mean…but is it really viable to suggest a different set of 6 would change the situation that much?
Personally i doubt it - the flyers we get through the post all the parties are pushing the same local issues - as they are all issues which are present locally which the majority of local voters want sorted.
it makes sense that the local manifesto reacts to what voters want - thus whether, red, blue, yellow, green, purple or other, much of what they pledge is the same - ie there is little to choose between them, and so the vote is more for the party in power (the PM) than a genuine choice between Tom, Dick and Harriet, as by and large they are identical.

so it would be hard to suggest a “none of the above” is a vote for “change in candidates” as the replacement 6 are likely to pick up on the same local issues to get voted locally.

Critically where will it end if the same “none of the above” result comes out on top time after time…?
4 time around the voting and it is still coming out as “none of the above” what should we expect from the 5th attempt?

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Almost missing my train. Hear me out, it’s made me happy as it was satisfyingly close. 25 min drive from home to station, then car park faff and turnstile faff, walk over to the right platform and train stops just as i get to the bottom of the stairs. No speeding or running required!

This was 10s away from being a GMG post :rofl:

Red dog…beer…star wars episode 1 at the cinema


Seen on Facebook by a RN friend - made me laugh :joy:


Took an hour out this evening, and built my first lego model in years…

Finished 10 minutes before midnight…, so can still claim it’s May the 4th, and Star Wars Day.

Lego Tie Bomber!


Uh oh. The Tie Bomber is a gateway set.

You’ll be moving on to harder sets soon. And the next thing you know you’ll be mugging old ladies to get your next fix.


Or bitcoin mining to pay for the Millennium Falcon


Better than helping my daughters doing unicorn or horse riding lego sets…

Might have activated Disney Plus mode last night, and watched Empire Strikes Back while i made it.

Have a box of lego in the loft. Its one of two large boxes that the family have added to over the years.

My sister started with a small wooden box, then added to it, my brother got it and added, then my younger sister, then to me…

When i got older, it went to my sisters boys, who added more and more, and then to my other sister’s boys, adding more… before ending up back at my mums…waiting to “issue to me”

So, i have a box and there is another at mums.

Just need the space to use it all.

I really want concorde…but she keeps saying no

The Falcon is a disappointment. The underside is rubbish. If I wanted to pay that much for a UCS set that big, I’d want a fully detailed underside. Not just a load of flat plates.



(Says someone who spent an hour last night detailing a Tucano cockpit)

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Spent this afternoon building the Hogwarts Owlery, I liked the touch of the secret owl that gets hidden by the next floor of the tower.


Do we need a Lego thread?


And words


If we did - would megablok be off topic or within scope? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Could always be an ‘interconnecting block’ thread.

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A “what are you building thread” - just so it covers things like play mobile or duplo :grin:

Would cover aeromodelling and other crafts too