You know what really makes me happy?

It’s a nice place. Good choice for a little train fancier!

One of their engines is one I rode at a very young age at Exmoor Steam Railway. Didn’t go to Lappa until a few years ago - not an area I visit much.

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Train fancier doesn’t cover this obsession enough.

we had an amazing “leadership” exercise last night! i would say it was more about leadership than the syllabus! it was for some of our SQNS Cpl candidates (including me) and was based on team and social management. it was an idea by our ex-CWO who was visiting! it had some elements of fieldcraft and needed good negotiation and social skills. and it was incredibly fun!!


Civic duty done. Although the only election we have here today is for the Police & Crime Commissioner.

2nd person to vote, at 0710. I feel sorry for the people manning the polling station; it’s going to be a long day for them.


I managed to take a swerve on it this year due to childcare. But Mrs BF is out doing it - left home at 0530. Expected ETA 2330. It’s a long one - and with only PCC going on here, a largely quiet day too!

I took the toddler on the way to the childminder. I told him we were choosing the bosses.


Just did mine on the way home from work, won’t tell the Missus as we are politically opposed and she might forget :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just spoken to my polling station. They’ve so far had less than 90 people come in today!

But even with so low numbers, people still have the right to vote and can’t complain when they have councils or PCCs who are elected who are either corrupt or useless.

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Oh but they will.


Oh indeed, but in my view, don’t go to the polling station and receive a voting slip and vote, then your complaints are voided in my eyes.


Or get a postal vote :wink:

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In some inner city constituencies they just weigh them.

100% at the very least go and spoil you ballot.

Low turnout it’s a problem with the electorate, high turnout with lots of “none of the above” it’s a problem with the candidates.


Make voting mandatory, with improved lessons in schools about what democracy is, the way our voting system currently works, how people become MPs and Lords etc.

Then add a “None of the Above” box. If that has the most votes, an election is held again and none of the original candidates are eligible to stand, even if they’re an incumbent.


drifting into a Sunday politics thread here but i think that is a dangerous stance to take - people could simply use it to be difficult, protest the system rather than the people/candidates

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Australia has mandatory voting, and they don’t have that issue.


do they have “none of the above” option which means the vote is recast with new candidates?

that is the issue i am identifying.

I am all for “mandatory voting” and like the "none of the above " option

but to suggest “none of the above” then means the vote is repeated with new candidates I am against and is the “issue” i think is a dangerous stance

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It’s fine to hold a different opinion on how our system should work; it only really becomes “Sunday Politics” if we start talking party politics, which none of us are doing here.

I’d be curious to know what “none of the above” gaining the most votes would mean in your view?

Election is rerun and like any election you can stand if you pay your deposit.