You know what really makes me happy?

so you’re really not missing B&Q at all this week given your recent work news?

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Naaaaaaaaa missing seeing people face to face daily though

Whereas for me, today is the first day this week I haven’t had someone else in the house.

It. Is. Bliss.

Look into the scheme conditions as it may affect a pension payout as the sacrifice is before the pension contribution is taken. Possibly more applicable in the public sector.

I am all for this. Whilst I’m not religious at all, I do enjoy a lot of religious (particularly gothic) architecture. Finding a modern use for the sites could help save certain sites from closure and demolition.

Me too! I always go along with cadets to churchy things and I’ve never read the ‘Once upon a time book’ I wouldn’t encourage a cadet to do or go somewhere I wouldn’t. I do have a lot of church feature pics :nerd_face:

This was pretty cool


MMH. Have had a pair of barefoot shoes in my virtual basket for a few weeks waiting for some money to land so I can buy them. Today I discovered that the company I was about to buy from is simply dropshipping from AliExpress.

So now I’m cutting out the middleman… and saving myself £60!!! Given I’ve waited 2 months to get them, I don’t mind waiting another few weeks for them.

Might even get 2 pairs.



Sort of making me happy: the news that the insurance schemes are now just 1, and we’re all covered under it without having to pay more. And apparently we’re all covered for going abroad now (if we can get there).


The CWC Bader access news is pretty good too!


The Bluey Special.

I’m not crying, you are!


I was not ready for Bluey when I became a Dad :joy:

It’s a masterpiece of a show.

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My kids don’t like it. Doesn’t stop me watching it though

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That’s a shame, my 5 y/o loves it.

Plenty in it for parents though - definitely a show for the parents as much as the kids.

When Chilli tackles Bandit towards the end and is clearly absolutely sobbing, that did it for me. Pow, right in the feels :laughing:

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I have worked out, now 6 months in to PV system ownership, as a bit of a fag packet calculation, that the “payback” is little over 6 years.
When considering we us the PV system (/advantage of the PV tariff) for the EV*, that payback is a little over to 4 years!

*the EV replaced an aging car which was in due a change . the purchase price is no different to what we would consider for an ICE car, in fact it was cheaper than expected and was £2000 under out “budget” for a replacement

Given the last 6 months have been winter, and a bad one at that, I assume that 6 years will shrink if we get a good summer, with longer days a more sunshine, the average generated per day should go up a lot.

kind of, I have worked out a the saving so far for the last 6 months and doubled that for the next 6 months, on the basis the spring and summer are twice as sunny than the autumn and winter.

While there is some offset from reduced electricity usage in the summer (the lights aren’t on as much etc) there is now £££ gained from selling the excess back to the grid (I have only had the smart meter since December which is required to sell back to the grid, but in that time earned £13.92 from Jan-Mar).
From a energy reduction point of view, since October we have reduced our reliance on the grid by 40%, but in October and March that was 58% less grid use (April so far has been 73%)

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just spoke to an RAF recruiter! he was very knowledgeable and even got me to send him some details about our sqn to organise a visit! sadly he didn’t have any pens cups etc like the navy and army but you cant win everything!


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Lappa Valley today.

Absolute heaven for a three year old who’s special interests are both trains and diggers.
Apparently my parents took me there when I was younger (allegedly I had the same special interests), but I don’t remember it being as good as I’m sure it was for the lad today.