You know what really makes me happy?

Booking a parent’s evening slot is harder than getting Taylor Swift tickets. They were all gone within a minute.
Tonight I was soloing it trying to book two slots. Managed to get them 10 minutes apart, starting within 5 minutes of our preferred start time. Good use of split screen and different browsers.
I am a god among dads.

What software system do the school use?

Parentmail - aka the Spambot 4000


The competition (until I change role next month)

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Ours use Bromcom. It’s not much better. Largely as there simply aren’t enough appointments for the entire year group… Which is a school issue, not a Bromcom issue.

The school based GMG today - didn’t actually relate to Bromcom either; more the schools application of it. BF junior gets detentions. Bromcom notifies you around 11am. For the last two weeks, school has sent out school bulletin messages at 11am - so i now have a sense of doom when my phone beeps at 11am. Will it be an irrelevant notice or a detention notification???

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If you ever move there tell them to put a search function on it so you can actually find the message you want amongst the ton of crap the schools send out

Is this a case of joining a company to fix something that irritates you and then instantly quitting?

I’ve been where I am for 5 years and moving to another education company within our operating group.

As a non parent nothing can annoy me that much :rofl:

Fireplace gas pipe capped off. Boiler back on. Straight in the bath.
One of the perks of needing a day off to wait for the engineer.


What, bath with an engineer!!?


That’s one way to give them a tip

Just the tip

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Minor things, but I’m working out of the local library today. Not sure what it is, but I’m always so much more productive in a library than either at home or in an office.

Bloody lovely morning!

Joined up, sensible, proactive working between the CCF, us and our wing shooting officer


Were doing the same with arms drill, saves a lot of faffing around aslong as we invite their cadets

Hopefully the start of many opportunities to work together :muscle:

It’s not much right now, but it’s a fresh start and somewhere to shelter from the oncoming storm of settling finances and children.


Do you want a Cot Bed?

Whenever you get stressed you can try and get both the spreader bars in at once.