You know what really makes me happy?

Oi! You egg chasers already have a thread!!


I donā€™t know what you mean, this post is all about it being 6 weeks and 2 days until Paddyā€™s Day!

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I ALMOST managed to blag a work trip to Boston iver that weekend, but fell through. Would have been incredible

You mean youā€™d be choosing to be around Irish-Americansā€½ :nauseated_face:

My 9 year old daughter has now hit her target of raising Ā£700 (once gift aid is included) for the Little Princess Trust.
Sheā€™s going to have 16" cut off her hair and donate it to make a wig for children undergoing chemo or suffering hair loss for other medical reasons. The money raised will cover the cost of making the wig and fitting it to a specific child.
Very proud of her and sheā€™s still pushing to break the Ā£700 without gift aid.

Donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t be posting the link to try and hit you all up for donations.


Thatā€™s amazing. Well done her!!!


Shame, Iā€™d happily chuck her some cash - itā€™s a great cause!

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Okay, update on this. The little (actually quite big!) tree rat is now in the workshop somewhere :rofl: Fell through the roof, thereā€™s a big hole. Keep seeing him run between machines!

MMH. The cathartic process of a Local Government Association Peer Review. Iā€™ve just vented for 15mins and entirely roasted our SLT.

Will anything change? Unlikely. But it felt good hearing Iā€™m not alone in this organisation in terms of the day to day issues and lack of confidence in leadership and management or, indeed, our strategic direction.

Feeling much better about the world. There is something weirdly secure in realising weā€™re all in the same crappy boat.

We all wish we were in a boat! This is a leaking raft!

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In Sweden :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Probably the best run country out there

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I know some of you are very much into tabletop games/wargames etc, and thought youā€™d enjoy this post!

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Good old Chaos Space Marines

I do miss mine. Only 15 more years till the youngest gets kicked out and I will have time, money and and space. :joy:

having a week off school :smiley:

The unbridled joy of a three year old with new shoes


Had an excellent conversation with our SCC neighbours last night. Their OC seems a really good egg and Iā€™m looking forward to doing some joint work with them.

This year weā€™re also working more closely with our local CCF. Itā€™s taken over 10 years but we might finally be getting somewhere with mutual support. Still nothing from the ACF though :grimacing:


Today was the big cut. 17" off in the end and sheā€™s hit her target without including gift aid. One proud daddy here. Iā€™m also looking forward to fewer battles about putting her hair up!


Preoccupied licking windows

I wasnā€™t going to mention the faeces that we had to steam clean off of the toilet seat because not all the ACF are like that.


Moving on from ACF defecating in the toiletsā€¦

Latest charity shop findā€¦ Ā£60 LeCreuset roasting dish for Ā£3ā€¦