You know what really makes me happy?

8th Feb a random bar in Stockholm. ACC Fest?!

“We’ve all decided RAFAC leadership is so poor that, to ensure none of them turn up, we’re holding our festival in an entirely different country!”


Very, very late to court today. Hearing in 10am list, so should really be meeting client at half 9. Being late is usually a bad start to any Barrister/Client relationship, and nearly every complaint about a member of the bar starts with the line “My barrister was late”…

I walk onto the court corridor at 9:59am…To find…

No client! Now he’s the one keeping me waiting! Result!

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Sneaky side trip to Denmark?

The Norwegians had a thing where their island ferries went via international waters, and everyone got tanked on duty free.

So you’d have an ‘express’ or normal crossing of an hour or so or a ‘leisure’ one that was 3 hours.

The Chief Mouser is just like the rest of us; wanting to be curled up in a warm spot within a reading nook (yes I know it’s a windowsill, but it’s the right size for a cat-based reading nook).

Could do with Larry here.

Just caught this little blighter

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Just caught a second whilst I was taking the first up to the park to release it.

At this rate I’ll be needing this recipe for lunch.

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If you’ve caught more than one, you probably have quite a few kicking about.

You might need some more traps.

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Have got a few scattered round. No more this morning.

The joys of old terraced houses. Next door moved out and took their cats, now quite a few of us on the street have been seeing mice

Time to get a cat?

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Would have to trade in the wife and daughter, or get shares in Piriton

Not all cats are fully domesticated. You don’t even have to have them in your house: just think of it as a mutually beneficial arrangement for mousing services.

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On the way to squadron to smash out a day’s AT.

I’m hoping this is a good omen - not a prelude to an apocalypse.

Whoop whoop!!!


Red sky in the morning …

MMH. Nobody died. Also, happy cadets.

#Win #LifeGoals


…WExO’s Warning?

Sounds great.

Recruit intake day today, with 10 potentials.

Coupled with blue radio assessments for one group, and practice sessions and Air Rifle WHTs for another…

Now home for a chippy dinner.

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My kids eating most of my Cod and Pineapple Fritter…

Running a weekend of Radio exercises for the Sector, with all blue Radio Assessments to finish off the weekend. Some cadets passed assessments today, the others will tomorrow I’m sure :smiling_face::smiling_face:

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On the first day of YFA this weekend - 24 switched on cadets who had good skills, making the weekend bearable! It’s the first one in the sector for 5 ish years, and is so far running like a dream.

Let’s hope they all pass tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: And big win for me, first event I’ve been the Adult IC for :slight_smile: