You know what really makes me happy?

Best option then might be to try to find people that have taken that route to gauge how they found it and what kind of pathway it put them on…

I know the old ranker to comission degree scheme at Cosford awarded a FDSc in eng management.
Which to be fair, after the 20 odd years of service i expect to retire at, I’d be looking at a similar EngO like job anyway or another similar role.

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2 sets of levis for $98

Saw a couple going for a wander up the trail past my house. Warned them it had been quite bad when I wandered up a few days ago (absolutely saturated - worst I had seen it) and jokingly asked them to let me know how it was when they got back.

They actually stopped off to let me know!


Bachelor’s application now in.

Rather stressed out thinking they’re going to reject the application now. :upside_down_face:


They won’t.

But so what if they do? Just put in for another uni or through clearing.

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Early finish so decided to be a bigger loser than usual. 15 minute walk from court to Heathrow, and spent a good hour with a hot chocolate or two watching the aircraft. Really good for clearing them mind.


MMH: Reflecting on the difference that deactivating my Facebook even for just a week has made.

I’m out of bed quicker in the mornings, I’m physically active earlier in the day and have achieved more of my to-do list sooner. I’m finding myself less distracted at work and better able to concentrate. My sleep quality has improved, and my mood is much less altered by things outside of my control.

I’ll be keeping LinkedIn because it’s landed me jobs before (including my current one) and Strava to keep me honest about my training, but I’ll now be working to close the rest of my social media down too.


MMH: Launch of the Cirrus SRXX G7 :heart_eyes:

YouTube Livestream

MMH: The latest round of flooding has receded enough for my favourite long distance walking route to re-open. Very slippery in places, but passable with care (and wellies).

This means I was able to walk the 6 miles out and back to a spot I really enjoy today; the very quiet ruins of an abbey.


Two good days canoe coaching, good food and company, and a successful trad boat line down Serpents Tail.


The only successes I have had at the serpent’s tail is successfully starting it and a successfully swimming it. Sometimes I accrue points of my classy exits. But mostly I swim.

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MMH (I’m doing a lot of these lately, something must be wrong…)

Finishing this morning’s run just in time to watch the sunrise towards the middle of my lane.

And now sitting at my desk being able to hear one of the local woodpeckers pecking away.

I’m reminded of The Talking Heads; And you may ask yourself “Well, how did I get here?”


None of them related to cadets, I notice…

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There’s a number of things that I’m currently reviewing my engagement with…

Bit weird MMH at first glance, but the King giving an unusual level of information about his health today. If it encourages people to get checked and saves even one life then it’s worth the potential embarrassment caused to him.

The MML part was that the breaking news alert came through whilst the doctor was midway through performing an exam on me. It’s not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination, but chaps, if you’re over 55 or 40 with specific risk factors then please get your prostate checked. (And those of us who are younger shouldn’t ignore symptoms either).

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Took the Focus in yesterday for first MOT, service and to see why the Check Engine Light is staring at me.

DPF is gone… £2K bill.

However, apparently Ford have a goodwill programme for customers, and I’ve been using them for a decade now, they knocked 80% off the bill.

So I got a new pair of tyres as well. (Good psychology!)


Wow, the DPF went before your first MOT!?! They should have a life of well over 100k miles. Mine it still going fine after 105k+. I wonder if it was a manufacturing failure?

It might have had an impact on the goodwill.
I think one of the problems has been that last year we didnt go very far due to the new baby and i’ve been doing way short trips, as I was getting warnings about it not being able to clean.
Not going diesel again. I’ve done about as many miles in the last three years as I used to do in one year. Mostly due to work becoming more local, and the increase in remote work.

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When I look at the price differential with diesel now, and the mpg I get from my petrol hybrid, I doubt there’s any annual mileage that would justify going for a diesel now. So much has changed in the last few years. I can remember diesel being about the same price as petrol, and paying lower road tax for emissions under 99g/100km (or whatever the measure was).

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