You know what really makes me happy?

Not any more. I believe that has been struck down and 18 is now the age of marriage. Or at least that’s the plan.

Edit: saw @Farmerdan reply above first. Nevermind. Should read all responses before hitting reply.

Back to MMH:

Finally, my car finance is paid off in full!

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Time for a new car?

I don’t think I’m going to make the mistake of taking out finance again for a while…

I’ve got 3 years left on mine.

Maybe job will have progressed enough to allow to get a Jag at the end

One of the most liberating things was organising finances properly.

I will acknowledge I consider myself very lucky, but when I had a company car I started aiming for 5 year old cars when the worst of the depreciation is gone and just buy them outright for Mrs Crazy, now she has a motibility car I ‘help’ her choose and we save to buy every other one outright, I could probably run it longer and do every 3rd and still have a fairly modern car.

Apparently I might be the problem, not the keyboard. She’s just passed comment that I “hit the return key very hard”.

Maybe she should send me back to Amazon and request another husband.

Be careful what you wish for…oh is that a van outside…hat, coat.

Better solution:

Ordered. x2.

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In the basket…

Received word that my bachelor’s will be funded by work!

That’s £4/5k saved!

Now just have to decide on which course to take, and actually do it. :upside_down_face:


Brilliant news mate

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Deffo media studies

I think I’m leaning to the Eng Management after the last discussion, but I’m concerned that’s not an “Engineering” degree.

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Eng degree, Eng management for your Masters?

I don’t think I’ll be taking it to a Masters.

I’ll be happy with a level 6 considering I left education with only GCSEs.


I remember saying that…

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Now considering doing another one (in a slightly different area)

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For now… massive achievement to get this far but it can be addictive!