You know what really makes me happy?

But you’re not 16. If you were, that’d be a problem imo.

5 years age gap once both parties are adults, not really a problem. 5 year age gap where one of the two is only 16, thats less okay.

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He looks older than me

That sort of makes my point even more if the genders were reveresed. 16 year old girl with a 21 year old man. ‘It’s okay, she looks old enough’. Really not great…

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I get where you are coming from, the key is how long has she known him is this “grooming”

That 16 year old with parental consent could get married, works both ways.


This is a happy thread, not an episode of To Catch A Predator…

Great show… have a seat for me

How do we think the child will do tonight against the resurgent Rob Cross?

Not any more. We finally joined the civilised world and banned marriage under 18.

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Doesn’t stop it happening outside UK jurisdiction.

Except Scotland.

Needs to pull his socks up

Anyhow, back to actually being on topic…

MMH: I found today that I can use my Defence Discount on top of the sales prices at my company’s chosen Cycle2Work supplier, saving an absolute fortune.

The fact that it’s impossible for me to cycle from my house to my office within any reasonable timeframe is immaterial.


:rofl: :rofl:

They should really just call this something else at this point. It’s a salary sacrifice to buy a bike. Actually cycling to work as nothing to do with it!

A lad I worked with bought a tandem on the scheme

The current latest thread about transfers in VOP


Well, my “quickest” cycling route to the office looks like this:

So maybe I’ll do it one-way one time just for a laugh. I’d only need to leave home at midnight to make it before my negotiated 10.30am in-office start.

He has…

Also is 17 before the end of the month

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I hope he’s got a note to get him out of school tomorrow :rofl:

Do you think he gets to his competitions on a moped?

Stood in a queue outside the venue and just hear, in gradually increasing volume, “nnnnnnnnrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh”

“Oh right, that’ll be Luke here now then!”

Will be great to finally get some clarity from the senior leadership team, this one if a handful of reasons why we struggle for uniformed staff