You know what really makes me happy?

The returns on the Stocks & Shares ISAs have, so far, accumulated in 2 months what would be an annual return on a normal savings ISA.

Fingers crossed they keep climbing.



6 hours East Dunbartonshire to Cobham. We left at 4am as the storm is coming in, and that was a good idea. No traffic at all so far! Now for the last stint to home.


MMH: Iā€™ve just deactivated my Facebook account and canā€™t even explain the absolute sense of relief thatā€™s passed over me as I have.

I keep being tempted, but I still actively use it to keep in touch with people in other countries. Have done a mass clear out of contacts and groups though.
I got rid of twitter a while back and understand the relief you feel now


I reached out to a few overseas friends over the past few days and asked for their numbers so we can WhatsApp instead. Whilst itā€™s still Meta-owned, it wonā€™t lead to doomscrolling like Facebook does.

Iā€™m gradually working to only have 3 genuinely useful social media accounts. LinkedIn (as it has secured me new jobs previously), Strava (as it helps keep me accountable in my running) and Reddit (as the keto community there is exceptionally helpful when things arenā€™t quite right with the diet).

But Iā€™ll keep each of them under review. If my RAF application is successful, for example, then I probably wonā€™t need to use LinkedIn any time soon.

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Honestly, the app itself discourages me from that.

I get through the latest few interesting posts from groups and pages I follow, then when those run out itā€™s all click bait, reposts, and nonsense or ai articles and scam or crapware ads.

If I really need a boot to get me to put it down I open up a comments section on a political article.

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Luke Littler who is 16 but appears to be 30 is through to the semi-finals of the Darts.

16 years old and guaranteed at least Ā£100,000 in prize money.


I hope heā€™s got some sensible advisors around him to protect him from himself.


I knowā€¦ right.
Anyone checked their passport? :joy::rofl:

Need to do that too.

So many pages and groups, need to set aside some time and cullā€¦


Wife Santa bought me a ā€œsilentā€ keyboard for Christmas - probably to stop my fat fingered keyboard thrashing disrupting her Teams calls (sheā€™s previously apologised to colleagues for my incessant clicking!).

I plugged it in today. Oooooooooh. Soft touch keys are a game changer!!!

Sheā€™s happy as it is genuinely a VERY quiet keyboard!!! And if sheā€™s happy, Iā€™m happy.

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Can you share what keyboard it is, looking for a quiet one myself

Itā€™s a cheap as chips Trust Taro. The only downside - for me - is that itā€™s not backlit! But we canā€™t have everything in lifeā€¦ apparently.

(Iā€™ve just discovered she ordered multiple keyboards on Amazon and secretly tested and returned them all if they didnā€™t meet her quietness test!!!)

hnag on i thought you were on leave?

Yeah - iā€™m back at the office at home nowā€¦ doing cadet admin and SMS applications.

So rock and roll.

I promise you Iā€™m not the only member of this forum that just had a road marching song enter their headā€¦


Just seen his partner is 21. If the genders were swapped I can imagine the outrageā€¦


Especially as they met online gaming

Damn. Didnā€™t hear that bit. If I had a 16 year old cadet of any gender say they had met a 21 year old online, who was now their partner, Iā€™d be putting in a safeguarding referral!

The sun reported ā€œapparentlyā€ 21 so unsure how correct that is.

Apparently she also plays darts.

If he was 21 and her 26 would anyone comment?

My partner is 15 years older than me.