You know what really makes me happy?

Bet Russel is smug as anything tonight

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Good choice!

We bought our first one a couple of months ago (with my VA from annual camp as it it happens!), and it was so much better than the bagless cylinder one it replaced.

We’re at my in-laws at the moment, and they have a corded Dyson and a cordless shark, and I reckon our Henry easily outperforms them both as well!

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I had a cordless Bush vacuum up to this point and noticed the suction was getting worse and worse, even after giving the filters a thorough cleaning.

Safe to say that, after yesterday, my house is the cleanest it’s been since I moved in! Once the rain stops, my car’s interior will be too.

I’ve never not had a Henry. I even took one to uni with me (which my landlord tried to rob!)

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I never thought id see a convo on the pros and cons of hoovers on this forum

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That’s because you’ve never been a regular.

The first thing any military basic training does is teach you how to be the perfect domestic housewife. All the words behind the acronym WIFE except the F… unless you go Royal Marines.

Just wait to see how the conversation sparks up when I get my new iron…

Fun fact about Henry. There’s one sat behind the Throne in the House of Lords. They use the gap behind the golden screen to store cleaning products.

Today has been such a productive day.

  1. Half of my books have been donated to the local charity bookshop, after sorting through the ones I want to keep and the ones I’d never likely read again.
  2. Similarly to above, I’m making good progress working through clothes that are now either too big or that I just don’t wear for another donation.
  3. My kitchen and hallway are now absolutely spotless (and smell lemoney fresh). A basic training dorm that’s just passed inspection is dirtier!
  4. Personal yearly planning brainstorming is now underway, with me being most of the way through a written retrospective of my 2023.
  5. New financial investments set-up.
  6. Care and maintenance of the houseplants all sorted, including the pruning of dead, dying or diseased parts.

And it’s only just gone 6pm! I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but I find days like today really energising.


Well done mate. I’m jealous of anyone who has the time to do even one of those!


One Gibson SG and Fender Telecaster fixed with a £12 soldering iron instead of the quoted £250 bill


Today weve been productive

  • her cripple park badge renewed
  • shoe and coat cupboard emptied, sorted, cleaned and put back
  • 3 bags of shoes and coats taken tonthe charity shop
    -opticians appointment
    -guitars fixed
  • panetonne induced coma

It’s amazing what you can achieve when the squadron is stood down…

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So I only just caught the advert whilst watching Only Connect & University Challenge tonight, but look what’s back (not sure it’s the right choice of hosts though).

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The one program that makes me feel really thick


I think I got 2 answers tonight. Normally do better at University Challenge, but not well enough to go on the show.

Got the first UC starter for 10 too - despite not being a football fan!

I quite like him and he’s proven he can be on the contestants side which this sort of show needs, who would you have gone with?

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Well if we’re following the original show’s example we’d need an attractive blonde and a daft sportsman.

So how about Holly Willoughby and Freddie Flintoff?

I think the original got the balance between funny and taking fitness/contest seriously about right. I just think with the Walshs that it’ll lean too much towards trying to be funny.

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Does he not cover both the attractive blonde and the daft sportsman?

She’s still damaged by association at the moment, probably far too much for Prime timeC maybe stay of Day Time.

Not anymore, poor sod

I did this the other day…

Turns out you really can open an ISA with just £1.

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