You know what really makes me happy?

I won two prizes on the Work’s Christmas Raffle…

an Alexa Dot and a trio of Sipsmith gin.

not bad going for a £10 donation!


MMH. New shoes for the car day. Time for some traction.

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Law student representing themselves today in the Employment Tribunal. Their skeleton argument has blatantly quoted my Master’s dissertation (without attribution). Two whole paragraphs ripped verbatim. Clearly my dissertation is still in the university library.


A good day for new shoes if the weather in your area is anything like mine.

Quiet word later is it?

They googled yo ass

Skeleton submitted before the lists were allocated to judges, we don’t tend to find out what we’ve got until about 4pm the day before.
Though I always google my judge when appearing as an advocate. Sometimes you alter your submissions as a result.

Actually, I never know in the ET who it is, the online lists in bristol don’t name the judges.

Same in Croydon. There’s so much last minute swapping around

Brushed cotton bedsheets. So soft and warm. Definitely worth it!


Is this the beginning of the end for Trump?

No. It’ll go to the Supreme Court, and it will be overturned. Especially given how many members of the Supreme Court he appointed.


Not a fan of Trump but does seem democratically questionable to remove someone from ballot who didn’t directly partake in the insurrection.

Once again I go back to the description of the US I heard a couple years ago.

“It’s a 1st world country with 3rd world country problems”

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Not sure Pol Pot directly murdered anyone either but no-one would say he wasn’t guilty of horrific war crimes…

Sorry for the drift but I can’t let anyone defend the orange fart man, he’s abhorrent.


@Nucleotide the 14th amendment doesn’t say you need to commit insurrection yourself just that having take an oath to the us constitution “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”
I think it would be really easy to say he gave aid or comfort to those who committed insurrection, I admit their is an interesting debate on if he himself is guilty of insurrection as he didn’t physically take part himself but that is different. I have no idea what the us Supreme Court will do but that’s down to human nature not the plain language facts of the case which seems self evident.


If questioning the outcome of an election or, say, a referendum is ‘insurrection’: what are good faith actors supposed to do when they genuine believe the vote / count was flawed?

Pushing your followers to commit acts of violence in an attempt overturn the results of an election which had been declared valid in courts is the issue not any lawful court challenges which he may have undertaken which if he had simply and solely challenged it in court like happened with Gore/Bush then their would be no question of his eligibility to hold an office under the United States.

He should have solely used the court system and when he had used all the lawful means to challenge the results and been denied after fair hearings accepted it and started planning his 2024 election attempt.


Anyhow, back to things that make us happy.

It’s about damn time.

This is something I’ve been trying to do myself since joining the charity I work for, as a number of our staff are deaf, deafblind or have other communication-related disabilities. Whilst it would be better for it to be mandatory for all, this is a huge step in the right direction.

I won’t make any comments on the government’s other actions towards people with disabilities though…


So stoked to see this finally happening!!!


i am actually quite jealous of the opportunity!!

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