You know what really makes me happy?

People trying to defend Trump; Hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Work Christmas do tonight. At my local pub so I can walk there/back. Big meal, followed by band on at said pub, with an unlimited bar tab. The walk home might be tricky, and I can already feel the hangover!

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Christmas food shop done.

Unoficially presented a Christmas Island Nuclear Medal last night to an elderly gentleman. Myself as OC, my Trg Off and my WO.

It was supposed to be an unoffical photo opportunity for family before the real deal in January, but a lot of family turned up to the unit and I’m pleased to say it went very well.

Lovely feel good story before Xmas!


The outdoor shop to beat all outdoor shops!


I “won” / staff gave up arguing with me at Currys about their price match guarantee!

£40 win!

I’ve not been recently, but the price promise is one of the reasons I love shopping at Go Outdoors. I can’t remember the last time I paid as much as they were advertising on the shelf edge!

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I managed to talk my way into 20% off in Tisos just now. They originally said DofE Leader gets 20% off, but I was buying some new ski gear, which that discount didn’t work on. So i went via the MTA route, which helped a bit. I then pointed out I could go to Cotswolds and buy the same stuff at 20% off!

TLDR, saved £90 :sweat_smile:


Happy Christmas all!


So what did santa bring everyone…this year i got silent treatment because for 10th year in the row theres been no ring

I can see her point :joy:

Ten years together, a good party and a piece if paper doesn’t change anything. :joy:

Mine keeps telling me theres tax benefits… but alas still no ring this year… but this gift in a vaguely ring sized box might get me in trouble.

Got engaged after a year…

My family know me. Jumbo pack of green combat socks.

New Drill and impact Driver set… just so HQ Home can get more DIY done. :wink:

Kids definitely know me… more LEGO, this time Mando’s N1


This seems awfully dangerous :rofl:

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Her spirit animal is a potato so :man_shrugging:

I’m more on about the ring sized box!!

Do you think i should wrap it up in several larger boxes?

Get on one knee to gift her it

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This. This is the way.