You know what really makes me happy?

Not focussing on national activities for HQ to get their house in order is going well then…

Yeh but only 100 spots for Nijmegen :pensive:

100 more than I was expecting us to have.


London twice in a week - this evening went to Phantom Peak with Ms. Victor Zulu.

Good fun

And heres me thinking the max ratio is 10 to 1.

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Why is this Disney character doing to that invisible man?

Commonly cited.
No policy (that I can find) that gives this for parade nights.

ACP 4 Standard 5-7 - Supervisory Care Directive and Welfare Support
Currently under review and not published.

I’m pretty sure in the JSP for cadet forces it gives guidance on this.

Guidance, yes. But no firm policy.
Interestingly the 1:8 ratio for under 13s never seems to be mentioned at all.


Ah. Naturally.

Hearing “White Wine in the Sun” on the radio whilst eating a baked brie and bacon for lunch.

Christmas is here.

ACTO 010
Paras 32 and 33

Supervision Ratios

  1. To allow maximum Sqn/DF and multi-unit participation for lower risk events there are no limitations on cadet numbers for events authorised by Sqn/DF Cdrs and Staff Officers, so long as a 1:10 supervision ratio is maintained throughout the event.

  2. If the event is taking place at the Sqn/DF/Wg or Region Headquarters or facility, lower risk events must fall within the limitations of the buildings Fire Risk Assessment (FRA).

Its not definitive but its the best i have found that mentions Squadron building ratios (which would include Parade nights)

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Agreed that it’s the closest. ACTO 10 applies to events - do regular parade nights count as events?

(I’m not suggesting it’s a good idea to exceed 1:10, by the way, just that it’s not defined anywhere for parade nights).

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Surely the JSP I showed is good enough? It’s still policy I guess? Also, I interpret the use of the word guidance to mean 1:10 is the minimum staffing, not a rule for all. Depending on the activity, it may need to be higher.

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I suspect it’s deliberately vague, it would cause real issues if you had 3 members of staff down and you were genuinely expected to send Cadet 31 home.

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Exactly this.

But sadly, this is exactly the kind of scape-goating we see organisation wide.

Let’s make it fuzzy, so if cadet 31 turns up on 3 staff, who is in the wrong? Policy or volunteer?

Let’s make staff take heat/cold injuries training designed for a fitness tested, full time, member of the armed forces as their training. If something goes wrong, who’s to blame?

Let’s push delivering AVIP workbook and AVIP course delivery to untrained volunteers; when something goes wrong, who’s to blame?

Let’s give volunteer CFAV authorisation to approve risk to life activity, when something goes wrong, who’s to blame?

The whole thing is fuzzy, I just hope I’m not the unlucky person where it goes wrong, and am the “test case”… although by doing everything as per policy I’d hope it is clear the organisation is wrong!

But making me happy is tomorrow I’ll be picking up coffee and pastry’s for the team at work - for team breakfast as it’s the last time we’re all in before splitting out for various holiday leave.


I’ve bought a soldering iron, going to fix couple of my guitars then maybe think about branching out into luthering/repair/set up

We’re currently lodging and it’s very much appreciated that our host were able to do the generous offer - as to the shotgun marriage - no chance as far as we’re concerned (OC’s) as the Squadron’s are Chalk and Cheese and if we go down this route then they might as well go to hubs and cull everone local and just have a central point.

So remains unlikely !!!

It’s making me more happy than it should to see someone dressed appropriately on Mastermind, wearing a very fetching 3-piece suit.

Too many look too casual on it these days.