You know what really makes me happy?

The TORs are on the SharePoint but to be fair only skimmed over it.

Do we need an Alimni thread?

Could be worth it.

I note the closing date was 18 months ago, so canā€™t help but wonder how theyā€™re getting onā€¦

Having read those TORs, it looks like I was wrong. This doesnā€™t look to be fundraising focussed after all.

Digital 1771s :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve already got my RAFVR one thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


RAFAC officers were really screwed over by the way CFC was applied. Why didnā€™t you get to keep RAFVR honorary membership, in the same way SCC / CCF(RN) / VCC are still allowed to use RNR / RMR post nominals?

This honorary RAFVR membership could have been extended to WOs and SNCOs (again, the same as SCC, etc.)

Edit: Iā€™m pretty sure ACF / CCF (Army) are considered honorary members of their respective regiments and corps as well, although I donā€™t think they use post noms.

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Because the last Commandant wanted to make her mark.

There was no reason that we couldnā€™t continue to wear our old rank and insignia in the new commission, in exactly the way that the SCC wear RNVR insignia despite not having RNVR commissions pre or post CFC.

The whole RAFAC rebrand was about her, there was nothing wrong with the old ACO brand.

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Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s anything inherently wrong with the RAFAC brand (other than the repetition of ā€˜Airā€™, but that is far from unique): itā€™s the implementation, which led to blurring the lines between ATC and ACO, loss of RAFVR status, etc.

Only in as such as we email the form, rather than the proper digital process we should have via Volunteer Portal.


On the Digital Roadmap for 2024 Q1

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First time out out in London, been fun!


This is now a i dont feel well gmg

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Ah, youā€™ve checked your receipts then?

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If you still have all your limbs you havenā€™t been out in London (unless someone else is paying!)

I was at a place last week and Ā£7.50 plus service charge for an alcohol free beer.

Company tab

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Im in the same boat as Alex - we went to one of those Brazilian Steakhouses where the meat just keeps coming until you turn your card to red!

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Fazenda? New one of them next to my office now!

Dont know if i should be happy about this but a work trip to Minneapolis in Jan confirmed!

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To be fair, being a Cadet sort of led onto being invited to join the funny handshake crew.

I bet thereā€™s some definite Venn diagram crossover.

Nijmegen & IACE are happening next year after all!

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