You know what really makes me happy?

I already don’t sleep. What’s not sleeping when you don’t sleep anyway?


Harder than it sounds…

Oh I’m well aware…

I’ll just be praying for detachments :joy::joy:

I’m sure your Mrs would be over the moon with you getting deployed straight after baby number 2 arrives! :sweat_smile:

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I was meant to be in the states 2 months after arrival…

And I was on OP Shader three months after the lad came home from hospital.

So yeah…

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Every time she wants a baby. She gets a puppy. Although its been once so farr, she recently mentioned it again

Dare you to call her bluff

I vaguely remmeber telling you this would happen

So its time for Biscuit the black lab

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Just seen the changes to introduce Extended Leave of Absence rather than NEP. Largely seems the same thing, but you keep access to volunteer portal, email, SharePoint and Learn as well as access to welfare support (though is that actually a thing?).

And easily applied for through volunteer portal rather than the paper NEP form that inevitably gets lost. This time I’m actually taking a break, the unit is in a much stronger position staff wise and I’m not needed anymore so the guilt trip won’t kick in.

Last activity for a while will be the Christmas dining in night tomorrow. Then likely shifting back to ATC on my return, if I return to RAFAC rather than another org. Though will be interesting to see how they manage with a return from leave and a transfer between forces at the same time.


I had access to all the systems while I was NEP. Which makes me think I was never actually processed as NEP…

Welfare support? Now that’s funny.


Yeah, the old NEP was essentially suspended in all but name. If you still had access they you weren’t truly NEP on the system.

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There’s always one isn’t there.

As soon as they put in a new system someone has to try to break it.

That’s why we can’t have nice things :innocent:

Seriously though take the time you need, see you on the other side


That’s my entire purpose in life

I think my motto for 2024 will be malicious compliance…


There are other kinds :joy:?

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Which means you could probably still count the time towards the CFM

I’ve not been to unit since May. No one above Sqn level has mentioned a thing to me.

Making some Christmas tree decorations for the kids in the local primary school to decorate to go on the village tree!


The test cuts worked well! :grin: