You know what really makes me happy?

They’re not CPS Direct, so they’re probably authorising charges on stuff when they have no evidence.

It’ll be fine chap - I had a large lump removed from my foot earlier this year.

Was talking about gliding with the anaethetist one sec, next thing waking up and getting extubated before being given fentanyl 'cos ouch.

THAT was the real experience… “Virgil, please remember to breathe…”

Yeah, their are some quite big gaps in the extremism legislation so they are providing advice direct to Bronze Crime around certain chants etc

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I’ve opted to do exactly that with dental work and opted to do without elective surgery due to the GA (although that was more to do with the practicalities of flying afterwards than fear of dying on the operating table).

Nah, sod that.

I had sedation for a back jab about three weeks ago.

Best I’ve slept in 3 years. I’ll take the risk of a nap in the forever box if it means I can sleep.


I just got out of an MRI. Fell asleep within about 30 seconds of the machine starting up. Quickest I’ve gotten to sleep on a long time! :rofl:

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That’s because all your molecules have been moved around, think of it as a painless chiropractor.


Fentanyl is very good stuff, used in lollipops for major trauma when you can’t get immediate I/V access or in theatre and ICU. Patches for severe chronic pain, just don’t go into a sauna with one on!!!


It did the job handily, but it really put the space in to space cadet :smiley:

MMH: one of my Cadets received their ‘C’ Wings today!


Seeing the new AOC 22gp taking cadets AEF flying. Helps him stay grounded on why we do what we do week in week out


Bought a bandsaw. Whoop whoop!!

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Hope you’re not attached to your fingers, because they might not all be attached to you soon.

Already tried that on the benchsaw. And the mitre saw. I’m going three for three!!

Attended my first panto in a generation…quite literally as it was the child’s first.

We had an absolutely great time. Fantastic performance, great script with enough adult references to be funny without bring vulgar!

Im already looking forward to next year!


Lovely Lucia service in Brighton this evening, nice connection to the wife’s heritage. Lots of songs being sung as we danced around a Julgranen (Christmas tree) substitute (a basketball hoop).

Love the connection to the wife’s background, we’ve done it every year since we’ve been together, so coming on 12 years now. Three years with the little man, he’s now at the age where he’s really participating in the songs. Dancing around with him whilst he’s screaming out a sing about small frogs in another language, lovely.

Just a shame that they’ve brought a company in to cater afterwards this year. Expensive artisan pastries this year, killed the vibe a little.


18 moretti for £15 in lidl

Missus got to 30wks on Monday.

At this point in the last pregnancy the lad was already four weeks old, and being blue lighted to a different hospital for lifesaving surgery…

Still a bit nervous about how this one is getting along, but it’s getting there. She’s off for a growth scan today, so see how they are doing.


Oh you don’t care if you ever sleep again do you?