You know what really makes me happy?

Lucky us?

And yeah, been thinking about getting rh train to York a d going to the museum.

15 year old me took someone there on a first date. Weirdly she agreed to a second.


If you are in town at any point the London Transport Museum is really good.

Thing that made my day, 4 found guilty of the murder of Ashley Dale in the Crown Court in Liverpool also found guilty of conspiracy to murder Lee Harrison (her ‘boyfriend’ of 5 years, refused to assist the police as he was/is a drug dealer). One found not guilty of murder and conspiracy and one not guilty of assisting an offender. Took the jury approximately 9 hours to deal with the case before returning their verdicts.

A lot of damming evidence was obtained by the victims iPhone from things like iPhone notes about what was happening in her life. The CPS stated that this evidence was a first in the UK if not the world. Ashley dammed them from beyond the grave by her own voice.

Harrison I suspect will have a difficult time in the future looking over his shoulder either from other OCGs or Merseyside Police and the NCA.

Sentencing due at 11:00 Wednesday morning.

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So im isolating in my home office all week now,

Ps5 set up and mafia triology downloaded to complete.

Got to make the best of a bad situation


You faked the test right?

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Damn ive been rumbled

Although i wish, tried to do work today, got to 1pm then tapped out and went to bed

New NACATC course list is out for 24. Good times.

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What’s on your list for next year?

Link? I can’t find the at page?

The relevant links are in the Cadet Training Portal: Sign in to your account

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Thanks! (I swear there used to be a link to the AT page from the homepage?)

Not a lot to do paddle sports wise until later in the year if you have PSL already.

Is the intro day what i need to get myself onto in order to start obtaining various quals?

I assume you dont actually finish a qualification from that, but will it put you in good stead to subsequently do PSL?

If you’re not into paddling at all, it’s a great way to start off. Also, the paddle sports staff community is excellent.

But honestly, the best way to keep at it is to paddle locally. I paddle with a club primarily, but do my courses with the ATC. Some cadet instructors only have the opportunity to paddle with cadets or at the NACATCs, and there is a skills gap.

This is my worry, more becuase im probably already burning the candle at both ends - but its something ive always wanted to achieve - and if it can mean even one or 2 more paddling days for the cadets (provided im happy that im happy my own personal skills havent faded to the point of being a liability)

(To clarify by trying to keep current at a local club or at NACATC)

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I am more than happy to admit that I am 100% out of practise when it comes to paddling, and although I may be qualified, I am absolutely not current and wouldn’t dream of taking cadets out until that changes!

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Yep, next step is either moderate water leadership or coach award stuff - the latter of which we don’t provide in the organisation at the moment.

I’m thinking of doing my Advanced Open Water Canoe Leader trg next year, or my Sea Kayak Coach. Can’t quite decide yet.

There’s not even the open water until later in the year, which I’ve just booked a week off for.

I also note they’ve opted for white water canoe leader and open water canoe leader, not touring leader, which was the course ‘de jour’ last year

The only things that i think would be beneficial would be the WW Canoe leader training. If I’m right, as a PSTL the Open Water Canoe Leader is the same remit. The WW element bumps me from G1(2) to 2(3) which is beneficial. That and the new WWSR format.

I know we have a limited selection so just trying to out, get logbook days at the upper end of my remit, keep CPD points and socialise is good.