You know what really makes me happy?

Where the doors still in when he exited?

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Getting ready to go to Berlin with some friends and sitting in the cockpit of a Vulcan

and more importantly, finally getting the paperwork, courses, classifications, sorted to stay on after 18!


Awarded a FdSc with a distinction.

Not a full degree, but considering I failed my A levels, Iā€™m quite pleased with that.


Awesome work mate! :smiley:

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Whatā€™s the plan from here? Cranfield?

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No way Iā€™d be allowed to commission. But having seen the type of work officers do, I wouldnā€™t want to.
Iā€™m too much of a physical worker.

Especially impressive to get a Distinction. Well done!

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Whether its a full degree or not, itā€™s an amazing achievement, great job!

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Congratulations buddy!

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Cranfield, not Cranwell!


Not sure. Not sure if I want to get licences or not. Might give it six months, save a bit and go for the full bachelors. But this has stretched me quite a lot. Formal education is not my strongest suite.


Well done HLT !

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Massive congrats. Doing a degree alongside work is a huge achievement!


Sincere congratulations considering all the other things going on in your life with your spinal problems and your little one, plus work etc.

Will you consider going on down the education track after youā€™ve had some personal time to relax, always dependent on what the RAF has planned for you? if you go for the full degree how much can be APELā€™d?

I trust suitable refreshment is planned?


Just wanted to say, if you do want to go down that route, the first one is always hardest. Youā€™ve shown to yourself that you can do it, even when life has been crapping on you from a great height. The step from A-level to university is much harder than from foundation degree to bachelorā€™s. Not saying you have to do it, but with that mark I truly believe you can do it.


APEL doesnā€™t exist any more unfortunately.

I can claim back most of the cost of the course, after Iā€™ve decided what Iā€™m going to do.

And no suitable refreshments unfortunately. This monkey is on nights.

Thanks, Iā€™ll give it a couple of months and then look at it again, donā€™t want to leave it too late if it is something I want to do.


Massive congratulations!

I got CCD in the A Levels but then got a 1st in my BSc and a Distinction in my MSc. Not to show off, just to show A levels are a terrible indicator of academic potential and if you enjoyed your foundation course then donā€™t rule out further study :slight_smile:


Top man!!

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About bloody time, a blight on society.