You know what really makes me happy?

The river having flooded to such a high degree isn’t ideal for us, but this mink seemed to be making the most of their breakfast this morning.


Did AT today. It was good.


Slept for 13 hours last night was beaut.

What is this…sleep thing?

questions in parent


Ours are both sick. No sleep was had last night.

To be fair my stress levels have been through the roof with work the last couple of weeks and closed a mega sales deal on Fri so can take the foot of the gas a little.

You Sir can go procreate repeatedly and forcefully with yourself!



He does enjoy that.

New Bed Day…no more waking up feeling like ive been in a car crash.


We thought that when we got ours, but it takes a while to get used to it, so don’t expect to be joining the British Olympic squad tomorrow morning. :grin:

Im more excited about going kingsize so the fun sponge doesnt push me out of bed over a period of 6 to 8 hours

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Got a good deal with military discount on a Simba, took a few days but has been amazing since. SWMBO went from averaging 2 hours a night due to her issues to 6 hours a night within a week

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They soon adapt… like the Borg… then its like those extra inches never exisited.

You now need a Super-king size duvet to reduce the risk of duvet theft occurring in the newly established acres of space you have!!!


Open Water & White Water Canoe Coach passed - although it was a little bit of a scrappy pass in my view so this GMG a bit at the same time.


Already done with the original double!

I have been asked to review a policy in work which I have been recently “promoted” into being responsible for.

In doing so I can see a whole host of errors, written by my predecessor as an aspirational policy which makes little reference to what actually happens on site.
So I sat down with the head shed and the HSE bod, with my proposed changes which is simply to make the policy reflect reality (99% of what we do is safe, so all the “control measures” listed are overkill given they are not being done, but equally no one is dying). They both agreed.

Just before it is upissued and released I get a question from someone who has heard about the changes I am making and has (i am pretty certain made up) an example situation he is about to do “soon” and is “seeking clarity” i believe in an attempt to highlight I am making a wrong decision.

I therefore offered the clarity confirming “no additional training or courses are required to complete this work”.
To which he replied, copying in some of the top dogs he thinks will back him up that my “changes” are a poor choice, not realising those same people are already in agreement with me!

Is might be a little win, but make me smile that this person has tried to make out I am making the situation more dangerous, when in truth all i am doing is changing the wording of the policy to match the way the situation has been for the last 15 years, and in doing so made himself look foolish trying to highlight this “error” to the senior managers


The worst of times bring out the best in people.

My village is still threatened by a potential riverbank breach, with over 100 people having to be evacuated. However, since the evac order came out we’ve seen

  1. People self-organise sandbag & sand collection to the village, well beyond what the authorities managed.
  2. Half the village offering their empty cars and vans to transport belongings of those affected to safer areas.
  3. Many locals offering the spare spaces in their homes to store said belongings.
  4. Many locals offering their spare beds and/or sofas to those evacuated.
  5. A volunteer night security patrol established to patrol the evacuated areas and dissuade break-ins.
  6. A catering party established for the above to keep the volunteers warm and fed through some very cold and foggy nights.
  7. A volunteer drone survey team, to monitor the slippage from a safe distance and keep updates flowing.
  8. A volunteer car transport system to transport those people who have already lost their vehicles to where they need to be.

When people speak about the Blitz Spirit, I think my neighbours are really showing it right now.


Gives me some hope in this world…

Best of luck out there WN

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Jolly good show old boy, jolly good.

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