You know what really makes me happy?

It’s the joke my staff are making

At least the cadets said the opposite of see you next Tuesday to you

New DI in the Wing :slight_smile:


Nice one. Now when are you getting me on that course?


Ill dm you

Shoot me one too would you?

Always great when police officers volunteer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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20 potential recruits for the next intake.

January intake list almost full.


Always enjoy a bit of ball game food

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First time since Feb…


What is it about a climbing/bouldering wall that puts Tom Petty in my head…?

Just got back from a nights wild camp overlooking Llyn y Fan Fach :grin:


Did you see the leaches in the lake?
There are some really interesting crash sites near that route.
Anson and a Vampire to the south and a Lanc to the north.

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Didn’t see any leaches, only interesting thing I saw by the lakes was an Asian guy who’d hiked in and setup camp by the lake hoping to get nice sunrise photos, his tent must have weighed over 20kg!

I did want to go and see the vampire crash site, didn’t know about the other one, but decided against it due to visibility.

I camped at Llyn Cwm Llwch, just below Pen y Fan. My god was that full of leaches! Except we didn’t realise this until after we had all gone swimming. :grimacing:

Still one of my favourite camping spots though. Been back there a few times.

Had my first appraisal last month. The report came through today grading me Excellent, and saying I was performing at a level expected of someone with many more years experience.
Particularly useful as this will form the basis of my references should I apply for a promotion in the next two years. (Which I have already done, but waiting to hear if I get to reference stage)
(I make no comment on the type of biscuits provided to the appraiser.)


Passed the interview…

Now all the extra responsibility, no extra pay.


Welcome to the private sector …

Nice work though

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Finding all episodes of Cabin Pressure available for free on Internet Archive is making me happy today, listening in the background whilst working from home :slight_smile:


Finally managed to book a ski holiday with a few friends that we’ve been trying to get sorted for ages. Deposit paid today, going via the ski train in January! :smiley: