You know what really makes me happy?

during the pandemic we had M&S vouchers in 2020 and John Lewis (Waitrose) vouchers in 2021 as there were no parties allowed* which was great to fill up the larder with for the Christmas period!

*partygate the exception

Likewise, although the Borough Commander did allow us all to put a breakfast (upto ÂŁ7) on expenses last year as a thank you for working a million hours each during Op Bridge.

We’ve got Christmas parties this year. In one role we’re being asked to pay £150 a ticket. In my other role it’s only £110.
There are some benefits to being antisocial

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I might allow myself to buy myself a mince pie this year, maybe go mad and get one with icing sugar on top?

Normally our pay settlement from April comes in around Christmas. I wonder if we’ll be treated to another below inflation pay rise. Gee Whizz. Thank Santa! Hohoho.

Not sure I’ll make my usual Squadron Pub Golf this year, not sure OC Home Command will authorise it :rofl:

Tell her it’s a survival exercise.

She’s been before lol

7% increase on HTD rate and 5p per mile for passengers

With effect for Aug 2022!

Missed that assumed it was 23 when read it

Poor Lozza Fox. When GBNews suspends you, you know you’ve probably gone too far.

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When I worked in the Ops Room my Sergeant used to change the TV in HQ to GB News because he knew it used to really annoy the SLT.

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Not seen anything specific to RAFAC

If its what the regulars/reserves are getting as part of AFPR then IIRC it was supposed to be 6% in 2022 report and there was no uplift from the 25p for RAFAC, don’t know about other cadet forces so wouldn’t hold out much hope.

If it is for CFAV too then that could cause a whole world of pain for those that have already claimed the tax releif on the difference for FY22/23 :man_facepalming:

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Allowance rates updated here

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Great way for them to reduce the CFAV admin burden by making things even more complex :man_facepalming:

Only applies to HTD and not all mileage so 1771 remain unchanged. Also weird to say 7% of total claim as there are some CFAV whose HTD include tolls which will complicate the calculation for claiming tax relief even further.

It’s a very weird way of doing it. But this has come from the MOD, not HQAC.

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The cadets knew I was away on Tuesday… 93% attendance

Whoop Whoop


Because you were away :smiling_imp: ?

That is how it reads?