You know what really makes me happy?

But he has watched Stranger Things……

Oh, is it referenced in that? I’ve never seen Stranger Things.

It’s well worth the watch but wait for season 5 & then get a free Netflix trial to binge the lot.


Some of the best TV to date


I’m less than 40 and saw it plenty of times.

Same! My cat sometimes reminds me of Gmork.

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I’m reminded of this (some profanity):

Evidently my laptop developing a fault within 30days of owning it GMG…

but the replacement and £180 refund because it dropped in price since i brought it MMH


MMH: Spying the local wildlife.


Sat at East Kirby airfield listening to Merlin engines and then BBM doing a display.

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How do you tell the difference between a stoat and a weasel?

One is weasily identified, the other is stoatally different

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Here is your hat and coat Sir, the taxi is waiting.

The chap responsible for the athletics compound at my local parkrun site pulled me aside today for a quick word once I had finished.

He mentioned how impressed he had been with my progress, and how much he was noticing that I was losing weight since I started attending this location just after it first started.

I’ve not heard that from anyone else so far, but that’s given me a smile today.



Work have confirmed our Christmas meal allowance for 2023…

< redacted Employer> will fund one department/team Christmas meal to a maximum of £40 per employee

quite a jump up from the £25 it has been for as long as most can recall!


Might be worth pointing out that it’s an allowable expense up to £150 without it being taxed or NI’d :wink:

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I managed to get this to work automatically and correctly all by myself, and function across 2500 cells! :grin:

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tbh a 60% increase from last year is plenty good enough for me.

we managed to find a local village pub doing a meal for £20/head allowing £5 towards a pint so £40 is more than enough!


Would be a startling increase from the £0 my employer allows :joy:


This year is my first Christmas at my current employer. If they’re to form, I’m expecting a voucher for a place that is nowhere near where I live, that I’d have to travel into the office 100 miles away to collect anyhow.