You know what really makes me happy?

I take it that’s tomorrow?

I’ll blink and they will be parachuted into other nearby sqns with command issues / vacancies


yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah oh my god o’clock alarm

I have no idea what time I’m due in yet.
Flyings happening and I’ll be on the eng team, looks like it’s going to be early.

If youre free give me a holla, can go for a brew

Just found out the sketch for tomorrow.

I’ll be in for before six to prep the aircraft. And I’ll be away from public view on the far side. But yeah, if I get a chance I’ll give you a holler.

You’ll probably see me as I leave, weaving through traffic and annoying car drivers.

Probably due to that man bun :rofl:

That’s gone.

It was becoming a bit of a sensory nightmare.

I’m now more of a BTEC Brad Pitt at the minute. Shorter version of the Fury hairstyle now.

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Ill unpack the scissors then

MMH: seeing the shear power and noise of the typhoon at my local airshow! :smiley:


MMH. Sat in a campsite for 3 hours playing Perudo with the family. Good times.

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You always seem to have an amazing selection of board games! Where do you find them all?


Find your self a local board game cafe/pub and spend a couple of hours with some friends/family playing a load of games you’ve never heard of before!

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We have a local Dad’s board game club. It started off as a “Dad’s that play Risk” club - a safe space to dabble with Risk without the threat of divorce and/or children tipping over the table because you invaded Iceland.

We’ve now branched out to explore others too.

It helps that one of the key members is a well healed Scout leader who does lots of international travel and picks these things up.

The downside? They meet on parade nights. So I might do one session in 6 or 8.


That old movies always remain classics…


It never ends….

Too soon mate, too soon

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What have i missed

You don’t get it? Turn around! :ohmygod:

Look at what you see!!!

Well, the film is 40 years old next year, and Alex isn’t, so…