You know what really makes me happy?

Except the email about the Tutors that should have gone to all OCs but appears to not have gone to many…

Although that seems to have been an IT distribution list issue issue rather than him. He clearly sent it to all OC squadrons, all OC CCF Sections and all OC Wings

Yeah, I know I know. I jest a bit. But it is a problem still.

Seeing things like this ‘Influence Newsletter’ are a massive step in the right direction.


its very good but where is it on the system as I havent received any emails or alerts? If i wasnt on here wouldnt have seen it

It’s on the Sharepoint announcements page. It would be a lot better if it was emailed out to ever single personal account!

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Day out with my family, spending time doing a softplay/trampoline adventure.

Then, lunch of fish and chips on the beach…

…topped off, with having a spitfire fly over the beach, and perform a loop…


Finally installed our last interception tank on the house. We now have 4cubic metres of rainwater harvested straight from the roof.

The overflow from these feeds into the grey water system which takes all our kitchen and bathrooms sinks and baths to water our polytunnels and greenhouses.

And the interception tanks mean have additional capacity in the system to boost the grey water through the summer!!

Now to start work on the 20,000litre tank so we can harvest more effectively the winter rainfall without swamping the polytunnels!!!


Cut the top off and that’s called a swimming pool…

My other half and I went to the Lowery in Salford this evening to listen to the retired astronaut Chris Hadfield. He flew on STS 74 and 100 plus commanded the ISS, did two prolonged EVAs and eventually spent moths in space.

Now this talk was far different from the one we attended given by Tim Peake. Hadfield spoke mostly about the earth, how it is composed, how it was formed and how man came to populate it and the possibilities for the future of humans on earth and in space, plus how little we actually know about what lies beyond our solar system. He emphasised the great distances involved for intra galactic travel.

The closing part was his rendition of Space Oddity by David Bowie, which with Bowie’s approval before he died he had changed some of the words.

Very thoughtful presentation by a speaker that reduced some complicated ideas to a layman’s level but without sounding patronising or condescending.

If people have the chance to go and see him, they should do so, it is well worth the experience.


MMH - Seeing VRT_Memes is alive!


Really positive engagement from HQ shooting bods on MS Teams.

Proactive discussion about an SBN, now being revised to clarify.


MMH. Casually Crimpitting my wrap for lunch. A genuine masterpiece in design in innovation.

Get one whilst they’re cheap!!!

(Not a sponsored ad - just a proper game changer for my lunch!!!)

You realise it’s like a Brevil Sandwich maker, you will use it all week and then not touch it for 6 months.

Nah. We got the original Crimpit as well. I’ve used it at least twice a week since Christmas. And the kids have started experimenting with it too - knocking out some smashing puddings!

The wrap version though - it’s next level!!! #chefskiss

We had the same concept when I was young, but targeted at making pasties.

On similar lines - an old school Italian pasta maker. Great fun and quite quick when you get the hang of it.

Another 10 kg off since the last update. Seem to have hit a groove. Still lots of excess weight to look at me, but after years of being over 100kg I can feel the difference in just going for a walk. I wasn’t massively unfit, as despite the weight could still do most things, but you don’t realise the excess you’re carrying. Essentially lost 10 bags of flour strapped to my stomach. At this rate I’m really going to need to get my No1s re-tailored in November.


School reports back for the oldest two. Turns out they are well behaved (mostly if you understand teacher code) and work hard. At least the attitude and refusal to do anything stays at home. :joy:

Makes me sad: it’s the last day of what has been a great edition of the Tour de France.

Makes me happy: finally, the end of the absolutely horrific charity adverts on ITV4 attempting to pull on the strings of my stone cold heart.

And yes, I work for a charity. No, it’s thankfully not one that uses emotional blackmail on the TdF!

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